Does or has anyone know of someone being denied for Hypothyroidism?

   — charmainem (posted on August 21, 2005)

August 21, 2005
To be denied by the doctor or the insurance company? I have not heard of an insurance company becoming involved in that type of a medical condition situation or any medical condition situation usually. The insurance company usually leaves it up to a doctor for those types of issues. As far as being hypo thyroid, a doctor likes to have a person stable with their medication before doing any surgery. Take for example me back in January I was DXd with hyperactive thyroid, Grave's disease. I had to wait 6 months for my thyroid numbers to stablize after my thyoid was killed off with radio active iodine before I could pursue PS.
   — ChristineB

August 21, 2005
I have been HYPO for 19 years, had my By Pass Surgery 18 months ago and I am at goal. Hypo and Hyper Thyroid is Not a problem.
   — cindirella

August 22, 2005
I am hypothryoid and have been for years. During my pre-op testing, my thryoid levels were low - my surgeon told me to contact my pcp and they increased my medication. I am just waiting for my surgery date to actually get here...I am scheduled for October 19th...I don't see where it would be a problem.
   — MonicaCarr

August 22, 2005
Yes, I have a friend who was denied due to hypothyroidism. The reasoning..if this is causing the weight gain, it can be controlled by meds. Talk to your doc about putting you on the thyroid pill used to help with hypothyroidism and if it works, GREAT!! If it doesn't resubmit to the insurance with proof that medical intervention for that diagnosis did not work and that GB surgery is the only way to loose the weight and possibly get rid of the the hypothyroidism. Good luck to you and God Bless!
   — Pamela S.

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