Are the risks of dying from RNY any higher than C-section?

This may be a silly question. I've had 2 c-sections and they went very well. My first one I was put out, and used morphine as pain reliever. I hated the morphine! My second one I had a spinal, and there was something in the spinal that kept me from being sore much at all for he entire day. I preferred that method better. I've heard that spinal blocks are much safer than using the anesthesia that puts you out. Anyway....even though I know RNY is totally different than a c section, I still wonder if fatallity risks are close to the same? I'm scheduled to have my surgery on April 12 and I am really getting scared! If I thought the risk, recovery, healing, was all similiar to a c section, I would probably relax. Does anyone know?    — Christy B. (posted on March 9, 2000)

March 9, 2000
What my doctor told me is the risk is the same as for a gall bladder removal. The main risk is from not walking of from the anesthesia just like any surgery when you are put completely out. This fact made me feel better about having surgery. Good Luck
   — Diana G.

March 10, 2000
I've had three C-secs and my gallbladder removed. All surgeries carry risks, the risks are a little higher when general anesthesia is used. I realized this when I had my gallbladder removed (laparoscopically) and they made much more fuss than my C-secs, which were way more invasive. For me, the biggest difference between WLS and my other surgeries was the inability to bounce right back. I think it must be a combination of the internal remodeling and the fact that you really don't eat for 10 days after (I don't think jello and broth are THAT nutritious). It was about a month before I had any energy.
   — Morgan B.

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