Revisional WLS Post-Op Progress/Success of Failed VBGs to RNYs

Hi, I am one of these patients, due for surgery 4/26 (AUGH!!!)...I know a few others of you are as well. I would like to know if you lost as rapidly with your revision as with your first wls. Did you reach your goal weight or at least lose the average of 60-80%% of excess weight lost? Any special concerns? This question is for those who were regimented in their diet and exercise plan and using the surgery as the tool that it is. Thanks!    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on April 6, 2000)

February 16, 2001
Hi Denise, not exactly sure when this question was written as I found it when searching through the archives. I DID notice that your questions had no responses so I felt compelled to answer it. I was revised from VBG to RNY on 5/22/00. I do not excercise like I should but I've tried to be very vigilant about my food (trying to learn from past mistakes). Although I did have a period of time where I lapsed into old eating habits and saw a regain I got that under control about 5 1/2 weeks ago and am currently sitting at 160lbs on my 5'8" body. I am wearing 10's and shooting for 8's either through weightloss down to 150lbs, toning or a combination of both. I did lose more slowly this time but I lost and that is what counts. If I don't lose another pound I'm not going to cry about it (after all, my BMI is 24.2 I think which is "normal"). This is the first time I've been at a "normal" weight in my entire life! I think the toning will help me get into the 8's comfortably regardless of whether I lose anymore weight. The trick for me will be maintenance as I've never lost enough at any time to even consider maintenance. Anyway, hope this helps and good luck to you! Kellye
   — Kellye C.

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