What are you looking forward to?

I am in the process of getting approved for surgery and was curious as to what other pre-ops (and former pre-ops) are/were looking forward to doing most in life after surgery?    — Christine C. (posted on July 19, 2000)

July 19, 2000
I am most looking forward to men looking at me with admiration , not because they think of me as a circus freak. Last week , a guy actually smiled at me when I drove past, ME. he only saw my face but I could tell he was interested , it felt GREAT!!!
   — Heather T.

July 19, 2000
There are so many things that I am looking forward to. Like going to Hershey Park and not worrying that I will not fit in the seat on the ride, not getting out of breath by walking up a flight of stairs, feeling healthy, riding a bike, going to a swimming and wearing a swimming suit and not just sitting on the side with a pair of shorts and a T shirt on. Feeling Good about myself! Getting in and out of a car with out feeling like my knees are going to give out, wearing jeans and feeling comfortable in them. I think i could go on and on and on........... I think the best thing is being healthy at last!
   — Jennifer N.

July 19, 2000
Being able to wear beautiful clothes again.
   — Nanette T.

July 19, 2000
This is what I'm looking forward to....the simplicity of just making a decision based on whether I want to or not. What I mean is when someone asks me to go somewhere or do something that I just think about whether or not I want to do it - having that be the only criteria and not having to go down the "check list".... will I fit? Do I have something to wear? Will it be too hot? Who's driving and will the seatbelt fit? Are there stairs involved? Are there little kids who will point? Are there hills? How long? Will there other people at the pool? Well, it's really not that cute, kinda frumpy, but it fits and my other ones are ripping.....and on and on. To make decisions based solely on whether I want to do it or not. I know you all can relate. That's what I'm looking forward to.
   — Marie L.

July 19, 2000
I'm looking forward to being able to move again. I want to be able to hike in the mountains, play with my nieces and nephews, go shopping - the list goes on. I don't want to take a diuretic anymore and I hope to get off my CPAP machine. I think Marie summed it up pretty well in the last response - I too want to be able to make decision without going down the "checklist" first.
   — Diane S.

July 19, 2000
Marie you hit on my feelings exactly! I never realized I have a checklist but I do. One of the things I'm looking forward to is going to my first Detroit Red Wings hockey game that I'm planning for February. I'm hoping I'll be small enough to fit in the seat by then. I'm also looking forward to having uninhibited sex with my hubby :-) And of course there is the health aspect...feeling better, getting around better, being able to walk and talk at the same time! The list goes on and on.
   — Kellie L.

July 19, 2000
Oh ... running after my daughter and not getting winded ... riding bikes with her and teaching her to rollerskate (me on skates too) ... not putting a t-shirt on over my bathing suit when I go to a pool ... the nice clothes ... being someone my daughter will be proud of ... there are so many things!
   — Beth B.

July 19, 2000
Being able to go in the bathroom alone to take my own shower. Or to be able to reach around myself to wipe after I potty. Being able to wash my hair with my own two hands without the shoulder joint pain of the stretch. Being able to shave my own legs. Getting up in the morning without having the severe pain in my feet,legs and back once my feet hit the floor.Being able to walk out in my yard without spraining my ankle due to the weight when I walk on unlevel ground.Being able to stand at my sink and wash a small sink of dishes,,or put them away. Being able to sweep,vacuum or mop my floors as they need it. Being able to walk up and down my basement stairs in order to do the laundry. To be able to go to public places with my husband,grandchildren or children without being imbarrassed by the looks and snickers as people whisper as I go by. To get a restful nights sleep without the snoring. To be able to go in public without the worry of wetting accidents from my incontinence. To walk without having to stop every so many feet to catch my breath.To be able to take the burden of grocery shopping from my husband. To be able to be an active participant in my marital lovemaking.TO BE ABLE TO TURN THIS FROWN UPSIDE DOWN BECAUSE I NO LONGER DWELL ON THE EVERYDAY PAIN BECAUSE I KNOW WITH EACH NEW DAY IT WILL BE IMPROVING~~
   — Violet K.

July 19, 2000
Not being afraid to try on clothes ... no longer dreading summer ... tying my shoes without getting winded ... not tearing off the bedroom wallpaper with my snoring ... not planning my life around where my butt will fit into the seats ... playing soccer with my sons ... sexy underwear ... the list goes on. I'm almost 12 weeks post-op (Open VBG 4/17/00 - 75# gone forever) and a lot of that is already coming true. Hair loss aside (it just started, thank you Lord I have enough hair for five people to start with), this just keeps getting better and better and better! And, as Carol Ford said, I just wanted to live.
   — Cheryl Denomy

August 20, 2000
Could I list what I want to do / experience following surgery? Is there room enough??? OH! the joy of fitting comfortably in a theater seat or rollercoaster ride! And wearing jeans! And what about that little black dress (velvet, please)? I'll wear it with some black pumps with those sexy ankle straps... Lingerie by the boatload, thigh highs, and shorts in every color of the rainbow! I want to learn how to rollerblade! I want to buy a 10-speed BIKE! I want to buy a bathing suit and go to a public pool and without feeling self conscious. But I have determined that, for me, there are a 3 things I really do intend to do once I lose down, just for ME: 1) A little tattoo, something very small and tasteful like a bird in flight, on my hip, 2) A CRUISE!, 3) Boudoire photos -- because I deserve to see me in a sexy, new light! Shedding this weight that has held me back for so long both physically and emotionally will bring about a whole new me, and I simply look forward to discovering ME, as pretty as I was intended to be, as healthy as I can be and as happy as I deserve to be!
   — Michelle F.

August 20, 2000
there are so many things i am looking forward to.. being able to carry a full laundry basket upstairs with out panting up the 15 steps.. wearing clothes and not worrying about them being "FITTING" for an obese woman.. taking control of my life and making it work.. then there are the basics like fitting in a plane seat with the armrest down.. i do fit now but barely.. running with my kids.. walking further with them as well.. energy...... more and more things come to mind.. but the ones above are the basics
   — blank first name B.

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