I am worried because i feel too good!!!!!

I am 2 weeks post op, I have never been sick or in alot of pain. I have no problems eating or drinking. Yesterday i had a scrambled egg and 1 slice of toast. Thats what worries me. That seems like too much food this early on. Please let me know. I eat slow and stop when i am full. but still a whole egg and a slice of toast. I dont want to stretch this pouch of mine. thank you    — Michelle S. (posted on October 6, 2000)

October 5, 2000
I am 6 weeks post-op and I am not "allowed" to eat any type of breads. Is your doctor aware that you are already eating toast? At two weeks, I was still on a soft food/liquid diet! In my opinion, I think you are eating too much - then again, everyone is different. If that is what your surgeon suggests you eat, then you should follow what he reccomends.
   — [Anonymous]

October 6, 2000
Just a word about the bread - I was told to wait 6 weeks for bread because it fills you up soooooo fast. But toast is easier to digest than just un-toasted bread. If you do eat it, just be sure you are taking very small bites or you run the risk of it getting all "balled up" inside, which is very uncomfortable.
   — Paula G.

October 6, 2000
Don't worry I was the same way, I am about 6 weeks out and at two weeks I felt great. I have never dumped, I can eat sugar, and I tried to eat french fries just to see if I could, nnooo problem. Now mind you, I have alot more willpower now then I did so just because I can eat that stuff, I won't. I am afraid even now when I eat that I eat to much, but then I would get sssoooo hungry from limiting what I was eating that I actually had major hunger pains, I mean they hurt bad!!! Just be careful, I will stop eating at a certain point, get up and walk around for a few minutes and that usually lets me know if I am full or if I can eat a little more. I think I starved myself for about 2 weeks, don't do that, if your stomach is growling that much it means your hungry, eat sensible and you will be ok. As far as what you should be eating, every doctor is different, I was on liquids for 2 weeks, puree's for 4 weeks, and now I'm on soft foods for 2 weeks, alot of doctors don't require there patients to eat this type of a diet after the surgery.
   — christine L.

October 6, 2000
What a lucky girl! Two weeks post-op I was eating strained cream soup and yogurt, and I STILL (five and a half MONTHS out) can't eat bread at all! Just sits there like a nasty lump behind my breastbone. I think if you're eating slowly, chewing well, and stopping when you're full, you'll be fine. As for the "whole egg and a slice of toast" -- what did you eat BEFORE you had surgery? Good wishes and skinny thoughts,
   — Cheryl Denomy

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