Can you have a revision lap RNY after a vbg?

I had a VBG, which has now failed, in 1997. I had complications with the surgery, had a blockage which caused a rupture in my intestine, then became septic requiring emergency surgery to repair. Can a person with all this still have a lap surgery? I read that this type is less traumatic to the body than open. I must admit, I'm still a little scared that I will have an experience similar to the VBG experience if I have another open surgery. Please help! Thanks    — Michele :. (posted on March 2, 2001)

March 27, 2001
I had gastric stapling in 1983, I am now awaiting insurance approval to have revision to VBG. I consulted my doctor wanting LAP VBG and he told me I would have to have open surgery. He said I would have to have open so he could remove my staples in my stomach ans proceed with the VBG. I would much prefer LAp surgery also.
   — psstanz

March 27, 2001
I wanted a lap revision, but would have had to travel to Atlanta to get one (Dr. Champion). He advised me he might have to convert to open if things didn't go as planned.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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