I'd like to be able to search by surgery type and status.

I think it would be very helpful if we could search profiles based on the type of surgery performed and the status (considering, post-op, denied, etc.). There are several types of WLS out there and it would be nice to be able to quickly find those people whose choice of procedure is most relevant to my own.    — Suzanne B. (posted on April 22, 2001)

April 22, 2001
you sort of on find peers...choose a state, probably your own then you have the option of how to sort...sort by catagory. I hope this helps you.
   — Kathy831

April 23, 2001
Oh, that's cool...the links are kind of small in my browser and I never noticed them before! I still think it would be nice to be able to search by the specific criteria I outlined in my comment, but your response helped me out too. Thanks!
   — Suzanne B.

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