Can you still have surgery if a problem is found in an echogram after taking phen-fen.

I took phen-fen in 1996 and have to have a echogram. if a problem is found,linked to heart valve, will I still be able to have surgery?    — Tammy H. (posted on May 6, 2001)

May 6, 2001
I took Phen-fen for a year and had an echocardiogram for surgicial clearance. A small leak was found in one valve but since I didn't have a baseline echo it's not known if it is from phen-fen or not. It was not enough to interfere with surgery as my date is June 11. Good Luck!
   — wilkywanch

May 6, 2001
I also took redux and have a small leak in one of the valves. I had my surgery on January 15th and had no problems. I had the Lap RNY. I am down 59 pounds. WOO HOO
   — marlene R.

May 6, 2001
hi, YES!YES! YES!... make sure you go to a cardiologist and have that support, mine was there during my surgery, she remains my biggest supporter,, i am not able to have the heart valve surgery because the risks are not as great because of the weightloss, and i am suing the living H--- out of the drug manufacturers because they knew in 19992 that the drugs caused heart valve damage, also, please get a copy of "dispensing with the truth" by alicia mundy, a book about phen-fen and how and what has happened, it is an EYEOPENER... and PLEASE visit this helpful site, which is a forum of phen-fen users, the saddress is you WILL be glad you did, all your questions can be answered there... i am 'chicagomom' at this site... god bless... viola canton
   — viola C.

May 6, 2001
hi vicky, i do not mean to scare you, but you are being deceived if you think your valve problems are NOT due to phen-fen--- do yourself a favor and visit a forum of phen-fen users who thoughjt like you and myself, you need to see a competent cardiologist, get a 2nd non-biased opinion, and get educated about this drug... just because you have no symptoms now, does not mean you don't have problems, and does not mean you won't have problems, you need to also see a lawyer... if not for now, for the possibility that something may come up... valve problems do not go away, and they don't get better, they get worse with time... , i have to see the surgeon to operate on my valve this tuesday...viola canton
   — viola C.

May 6, 2001
I had surgery Oct. 26, 2001, and I also had an echo for Phen fen, And I also received a large amount in the Class Action Lawsuit, I told my dr. of all the diet meds I've have been on. He was very supportive.
   — peaceangel58

March 11, 2003
Hi, I took phen phen for just four months, and they told me that I had 2 leaking valves (MITRAL AND TRICUSPIDE), but when I went with the class action cardiologyst, he said I don't have anything, no regurgitation, so I am very curious to see this echo, that I am taking for the surgery....I didn't get any money for phen phen, even that I was really sick, shortness of breath, palpitations, etc......Good luck.
   — Rosa M.

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