Has any one had ulcers post op?

I am 14 months post-op and have developed sever belly pain and vomiting with almost all foods and liquids. Dr thinks it might be an ulcer, I have recently started taking prevacid and axid until I can get in to see a gastroenterologist. I lost 14 lbs last week and now i'm at my goal weight. Has any one else developed ulcers post-op? and what you had to go through to recover and how long did it take to get better? at the end of my rope! Tired of feeling so tired and weak and vomiting!    — Cindy S. (posted on May 7, 2001)

May 7, 2001
I had one marginal ulcer after another with my original surgery. It forms at the stoma and makes it slightly rigid, so it can't pass teh food through easily. Big nuisance. Nausea and/or vomiting and/or pain in pouch OR back are common. I used Prilosec 40 X 3 per day (4 per day after my SLD) and carrafate (sucralfate) at night only. I felt better in 24-48 hours. I was already very prone to regular ulcers with my full stomach intact, so this was not a huge surprise. It is better since my revision, but I know I am still prone that way.
   — vitalady

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