In your opinion... which is would be more effective for someone with a BMI of 64

I am concerned that the RNY would not be aggressive enough for the long road I have ahead. In addition, I have a career issue -- I am an executive chef for a large hotel and spitting in a kitchen is something of an issue. No pun intended there.    — Kevin V. (posted on May 16, 2001)

May 16, 2001
Kevin, my daughter had a lap RNY in January, 2000. Her BMI was 70 and she has lost 190 lbs. during the past 16 months ( and is still losing). She had a totally successful and uneventful surgery and post-op course....2 day hospitalization, no ICU, no tubes, no drains, and back to work in 14 days. As far as "spitting in the kitchen" goes, she had a few episodes of dry heaves in the first week postop, but otherwise experienced no nausea or actual vomiting. She, her father, and I have all had lap RNY surgery and couldn't be more pleased with the results. Good luck!
   — Diana T.

May 16, 2001
The DS used to be reserved ONLY for the Super Morbid Obese because of the great long-term success rate & because you HAVE to take your vitamin in order to make up for the malasorption. Since they have found the majority of people who have DS are compliant, the DS is being suggested for the Morbidly Obese,(or those with lower BMI's), as well.. I'm not sure where you are, but Dr. Rabkin in San Franciso has over 20 years experience in Bariatrics and, as far as I know, does both procedures. You might want to try to get a consult with him & ask his professional opinion. Good luck to you!
   — [Deactivated Member]

May 16, 2001
I think both surgeries would be successful in terms of weight loss. The distal procedures are better if you tend to keep weight on due to a sluggish metabolism as opposed to a tendency to overeat or eat the wrong things. But, as a chef? I would go with the surgery which allowed me the greatest range of foods I could comfortably eat. I would hate to sample the products of the pastry chef or sous chef and become ill or uncomfortable. Typically, the DS surgery allows a greater variety and amount. - Kate -
   — kateseidel

May 16, 2001
Being a Chef I know you are concerned with what you will be able to eat. I am a Banquet manager for one of the HYATT's and was really concerned because I am around food for the majority of the day. I had the LAP RNY in January of 2001 and love the results. I am losing a mite slower than some but I also take bites here and there of some pretty great food. I am down 63 pounds. I was off work for only a short time and am not a dumper. I have thrown up maybe 12 times, but with this small a stomach it wasn't much. I have been lucky because my new stomach lets me know when it is full. The hardest part for me has been that when something tastes good... you want to eat more of it and with this tool if you eat too much or too fast you may throw up. Best of luck to you.
   — marlene R.

May 16, 2001
It's been so long ago but I think my beginning BMI was 64 also. My beginning weight was 367 I'm now 153 pounds I have lost 214 pounds with RNY (Fobi pouch w/silastic band)and most people who have met me in person say I look much thinner than my 153 pounds. I have seen all sorts of GREAT results with all surgery types and seem failures with all surgery types.. a key factor in success is your determination in using the tool you have. Spitting??? Not sure what you mean by that.. I don't spit, vomit or anything else other than live a great life and eat what ever I want now :) of course the pouch controls the quantify which is what ballooned me up to 367 pounds in the first place... I love my pouch Yessssss!!!!
   — Victoria B.

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