does anyone know what a craving for salt means?

Hi! I'm 6 months post-op after having a RNY and have done very well. For the past few weeks I've been craving salt - I take my supplements: protein, iron, centrum complete children's chewable 2xday, B12, and calcium. Does anyone know what the craving is telling me. I never craved salt before surgery but loved it after. I also drink alot of water. Thanks a bunch!    — Marilyn M. (posted on June 2, 2001)

June 2, 2001
Not really sure why you are, but I know when I loose alot of water my potassium goes down really low and I crave salt so badly I could poor salt directly on my tongue and swallow it. When I drink alot of water, I go to the bathroom alot and loose alot of it, so I have to make sure I keep replenishing it. Once I drink a certain amount daily, then I know its helping me and my potassium will be ok. Also I try to eat foods high in potassium. Tomatoes are my favorite potassium source.
   — Karla K.

June 2, 2001
When were your last labs done? Got copies? (Get 'em) Where was your potassium in the range? Hanging at the bottom of normal? You might want to ask for a fresh batch and see. I'd never say Just Take Potassium, because it's heart, as well as muscle cramping & salt cravings. But that'd be the first place I'd look. Good ol' labs, black & white.
   — vitalady

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