I have gained wieght

I am 45 days post-op from open RNY, I had lost 40 lbs, but for the last couple of days I have gained a pound a day, I am very active, no couch potato, and I haven't changed my eating habits, I can't understand why the weight gain, I have had a hysterectomy so that is not the problem...this is truly dishearting.. what can I do or what am I doing wrong, I sure don't want to gain my weight back.. :o(    — D B. (posted on June 24, 2001)

June 24, 2001
1. You haven't done anything wrong! <p> 2. You are fluctuating. <p> 3. Stay off the scale for a week. <p> 4. You are very active, so you are building muscle as well as losing fat. Muscle weighs more than fat. Take your measurements and you'll see that you are dropping inches whilst you are fluctuating/plateauing. <p> 5. Remember your body has just given up an incredible amount of weight in a very short period of time - which it really isn't inclined to do. It is kicking back and trying to figure out how to hold on to the rest of the weight. As long as you keep up your activity level and your good eating habits, your body will submit. Your are doing fabulous! Good luck and God Bless!
   — Allie B.

June 24, 2001
you are doing fine, one pound isn't much. 1- Salt can make you retain fluids, salt is in alot of processed foods, canned foods,soups,ham,canned tuna,processed cheese,chips,etc. 2-If your protein level is low you will retain fluids. 3-Whatever you do DON'T STOP drinking water, if you aren't getting enough water your body will retain as much as it can. With this being summer and you being so active,really work on the fluids. 4-Muscle weighs more than fat as mentioned above. You are probably doing just fine and just may need to make some minor adjustments. Hang in there.
   — Helen B.

June 24, 2001
I am 5 wks. post op and one thing my Dr. asked me was to not weigh myself on my home scale. I only weigh when I go in for my check-up. I think I would make myself nuts if I had to watch the scale every day. If I gained I would get depressed and when I get depressed I eat. I dont want to set myself up like that again. Besides I loved being surprised when I go in for my post op check-up.
   — [Anonymous]

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