Cannot tell when I have to urinate.

I am 2-1/2 weeks post-op. Since my surgery I do not have the urge to urinate. I drink fluids constantly. When I do go to the bathroom, my panties are damp like I am leaking urine. It is not extreme, just annoying. I asked my doctor about it and he said drink more. I think there is more to it. I never feel like I have to go. Help!! I think it is something to do w/ the catheter (sp) I had during surgery.    — Keri N. (posted on July 2, 2001)

July 2, 2001
I had that problem after surgery too. I felt like my bladder was constantly full. They sent a visiting nurse out to my home to straight cath me once. They said sometimes the bladder needs a jump start, it gets lazy from the catheter during surgery. Try measuring your intake vs. your output. Try using one of those 32 ounce cups to urinate in then measure. These are suggestions that my surgeon and the visiting nurse gave me. Luckily after the 2nd straight cath I didn't have anymore problems. Hope this helps.
   — Dawn H.

July 2, 2001
I had this exact problem, although I did not feel like I had a full bladder. I never felt like I had to urinate. In the hospital I did not have a catheter. However, during my second day, my urinary output starting dropping off. I could not tell if I had to urinate. I would go in the bathroom and only go a little bit. It was really strange. Finally, at about 3 am on the second night, a nurse palpated my bladder and could tell that I was terribly full. She straight cathed me and got 900cc!! I could not feel it at all. This continued for another 24 hours. I had to be straight cathed because I did not have the urge to urinate. I was actually ready to go home on day 3, except for this problem. The surgeon gave me a med and I cannot remember the name of it. It had been actually taken off of the market for a while and then it was returned. (if I do remember I'll e-mail you) I took it and it was amazing! I finally had the urge, although not very strong. I went home with this medicine for 3 more days and things improved, although I am no where the same as I was pre-op (1/8/01) I did not have an indwelling catheter, but I do believe that the pain meds can contribute to this problem of urinary retention. I also wonder if the straight cath procedures did some permanent nerve damage. I have an ongoing problem that flares up occasionally. It has to do with my clitoral nerve, very strange, but also related to when I urinate. Long story... I have been to 3 doctors and I believe they are ready to call me a nut case!! Shelley
   — Shelley.

July 2, 2001
After surgery (open rny), I never felt the urge to urinate. The doc also told me that the bladder can get "lazy" after the catheter is out. I was drinking lots of water at home, so I had to make myself go in the bathroom every hour. I could always go once I was there, and eventually it go better. Just make sure you go in the bathroom and try every hour, as you don't want your bladder to get too full.
   — Susan S.

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