What is required for the tummy tuck?

Is it true that the Dr has to take naked pictures of your hanging stomach to be sent to insurance? The thought of this horrifies me. Is the Dr's recommendation not enough? I did not have to send pics for my WLS.    — [Anonymous] (posted on July 18, 2001)

July 18, 2001
I would have to agree with Barb. They may not require a completely naked shot, they may allow you to remain in your bra and panties with your panties rolled down to show the severity of your over lap. WLS is a weight based thing and everyone carries their weight differently. I sent in pictures of myself to my insurance for WLS just because I'm having a hard time getting them to approve it. I'm sure if you ask your surgeon they should be able to do it descretely as possible to save your dignity.
   — Elizabeth D.

July 19, 2001
My plastic surgeon sent in a letter of "medical necessity" for the tummy tuck (no photos), and I was denied. I appealed, wrote my own letter (with help from people on this site), and sent in my own photos of the hanging skin. I won the appeal. Frankly, the photos were gross, and I think that's what won the appeal. As far as I was concerned, I was willing to do whatever it took to win. My surgery is scheduled for Sept. 5th. Good Luck!
   — Lisa F.

December 23, 2002
My plastic surgeon took pictures of both my stomach and breasts. My panties were on but, of course, my bra was off. "Photo session" was pretty fast. Yes, it is embarrassing, but worth a red face, as a tummy tuck and breast reduction/lift were both approved by my insurance company.
   — dtspoodle

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