How do you all stay so focused ?

I am 5 months post op - I don't feel I am using my tool the best that I can - How do you all stay 100 % after WLS ? I have lost over 80lbs but I still want to lose about 85 more lbs. - I really want to do this - Please someone send me some good tips how to get this done ... Thank you    — [Anonymous] (posted on August 19, 2001)

August 19, 2001
I was dying pre-op, actually planning for my last few months hooked to machines and my funeral. Not going there again. Every time I start to slack, I ask me: size 3? size 30? And another protein drink and another 8 oz glass of water hits my tongue. NO CONTEST.
   — vitalady

August 19, 2001
We aren't ALL 100%, it's still a major fight each and every day for some of us. And I've spent more than my share of days with my hand in things I KNOW I should be staying away from. You have done very well with your loss; it seems as if you are right on track and you can see your goal weight if you keep going. For me, stepping on the scale once every day (first thing in the morning) is essential to keeping myself in check. I don't obsess over the numbers, but I use it to help moderate myself. If I'm up a pound or two, I use that to keep myself in line that day. If I'm down a bit, it helps motivate me to keep it up. I think the most important thing that helps especially as time post op increases, is to exercise. I believe the key to maintaining your loss is to exercise. Excercise helps so much to keep you focused on the goal of good health, and when you learn to equate the calories taken in from some junk binge with the amount of time exercising required to burn it off... LOL, well, it helps keep you from eating the stuff!
   — BethVBG

August 20, 2001
I am a little than 4 months post-op and was 398 pounds the day of my surgery, today I am 284 pounds down 114 pounds in that time. That alone usually keeps me focused but I am also religious about keeping a food diary of everthing I eat and drink. I also make sure to work out at least 5 times a week. When I need that extra push I pull out my drivers license which was done shortly before my surgery. I do not look like the same person anymore and that reminds me why I went through all of this for. Good luck and keep up the great work you must be doing something right to be down 80 pounds.
   — Barry R.

March 31, 2003
We all mess up once in a while. I eat crap every once in a while but I never forget I have a tool. I have lost 270 pounds started at 440. Things I do that I think help me be successful. I keep a picture of myself at 440 everywhere. I never want to forget what it was like and how I looked. I never weigh myself. I listen to my body and what it wants. Foods make me feel energetic or tired, my body started craving the foods that gave me energy. Live foods give me the most energy. I go to support group meetings and listen to the failures and the successes. Before surgery, I never got any results from dieting, and exercising made my head hurt. I still don't exercise, instead I wear ten pound ankle weights and go check out the clothes at the mall!! Or I just wear them all day long and do regular daily activities. I love how it feels to lose ten pounds in the evening. Old habits are hard to break and this tool helps me remember what those habits were. Like eating too fast, too much or something that only makes me sooo tired I can hardly stand!! One last thing, this may sound weird, but it has worked for me. WEAR your bra and a sports bra at night, it helps immensely with sagging breasts!!! I have proof, I have pictures of myself right after my pann, and I noticed how saggy them pups were. So I started wearing a bra 24-7 and they are a lot more perky now. I went from a 54 E to a 36 C, I kinda miss my girls!! LOL By the way your doing great!!! Don't worry so much about the ending results, just work it!! Bonnie Young Fobi Pouch 08~02~00 440~270=170 Still Dancing like no one's Looking!!
   — [Deactivated Member]

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