Help! I'm six weeks out from a revision to RNY. I've only lost 25 pounds!

I lost the first 17 in my first two weeks out. I am still on liquids, although I have been trying to introduce some very soft foods. I see my dr. next week, and I'm so upset that I'm going to be a failure at this. I don't understand how I can be losing nothing when I hardly eat anything and I walk daily. Any suggestions would really help. I'd hate to think I went through all this just to fail again.    — Michele :. (posted on August 30, 2001)

August 29, 2001
Michele you have a smaller BMI, you're not going to lose as much as the higher BMI person. Check your inches loss, weigh only once a week at the same time every time, and know that you will hit platous .... And if you think your diet needs help, talk with a surgeon - take a journal - about what you're intaking. You may not be eating much, but maybe it's the wrong thing for you... Good luck in your journey.
   — Elizabeth D.

August 30, 2001
Michele, with everything you have been through I can certainly understand how anxious you are that this should work for you. This "mini-plateau" reminds me of what I went through at about the same time after my surgery. I lost 20 pounds and then didn't lose anything for 3 weeks. I panicked thinking I had done all this for just 20 pounds. When the scales started moving again, though, I dropped about 3 clothing sizes with a 5 pound loss. It seems like my body was shifting around in there and trying to figure out what was going on. When I kept eating small amounts every three hours, it was like my body said, "okay, I guess I'm not really starving," and went on and dropped the weight. Just keep at it and don't get discouraged. I started out at a 43 bmi, too and now I am at 31. You'll get there!
   — ctyst

August 30, 2001
With a slower weight loss--- your body has time to tone--- before the next weight loss... If I was you I would take this time to do light weight training to tone a new body.. Just think you may be one of the lucky one that doesn't need that tummy tuck!!!!! Deborah McNeal
   — Deborah M.

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