After LAP RNY will I feel well enough to go on vacation in 8 weeks?

I am in the process of selecting a surgery date of 9/24,25 or 26 and I am wondering if I'll feel physically well enough to go on my vaction the week of Thanksgiving. I'll be chaperoning my daughters band to New York for the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade so I'll have to walk the entire route of approx. 2 1/2 miles. The doctors said I'll be on liquids for 6 weeks and then soft foods. Will I be used to my new stomach by then so that I can enjoy the trip? Should I postpone the surgery until after Thanksgiving?    — purpletb (posted on September 4, 2001)

September 4, 2001
I had the same question. I asked my surgeon. I am also having the laparoscopic RNY and I am going on vacation 3 weeks after that. He said I should be fine, but that I will still be on a liquids-only diet and will pretty much be able to take everything I need to "eat" with me in a bag. He said as long as the 5 laparoscopic "ports" are closed, I can go swimming if I want and walking is something he recommends a LOT of after surgery. Hope this helps. If you are interested in the list of things to have after WLS, including food suggestions and other useful info, you can print it out from You will have a wonderful time at the Macy's Parade, and I hope your daughters band wins !! Best of luck to you.
   — Lisa D.

September 4, 2001
You should be fine to walk in the parade. Just be careful about getting talked into going to too many restaurants. I went on a cruise 5.5 months after rny. What a dumb idea that was. I hated it. I felt like I was held prisoner in a fancy dining room for a week...trapped behind a big plate of food while waiters kept trying to talk me into trying the cheesecake for desert. I was sick to my stomach the whole time and it was just torture!
   — Anne G.

September 4, 2001
I had mine on 8/6 and returned to work on 8/13. Although I was a little tired - I felt great ! You should be fine.
   — Laura M.

September 4, 2001
Hi, I had my RNY Lap on 7-30-01, not even two months out and I feel great! No pains, no aches, I feel like I can run marathons, hehe. I have four kids under the age 11, and I take care of all of them alone (hubby works graveyards) everyday. Which can be more exhausting then a trip, hehe. 8 weeks sounds like plenty of time to recoup before your trip, Good luck!! :)
   — [Anonymous]

September 29, 2003
Don't delay you surgery another day!!! I had mine Aug. 27th, was home by the 29th and with the exception of one "grilled cheese" mishap, I have felt like a million bucks. Just remember to keep up on your water, vitamins and protein and you should be just fine.
   — Stacey W.

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