After the IV comes out.....what if the vein.....................

After the IV comes out, what if the vein appears swollen? I am 6 weeks post-op and my vein in the back of my hand where the IV was is still "raised"!! There were no problems with the IV, no infiltration, no pain....nothing, but after being home a couple of days I noticed that about 2 inches of the vein, from the back of my hand to down in my wrist, was still raised up or swollen. It hurts when I touch it, well, more just a little "sore" and there is a very light bruise over that this something that I should be concerned about?? Could this be a blood clot that has formed? Of course I forgot to ask my Dr. when I went to see him (duh me)!! Anyone been through this or have any thoughts? Love and light,    — medium (posted on January 4, 2003)

January 3, 2003
I had the same problem. I am 6 1/2 weeks out and still have slight bruising at one IV site. The nurse said use a heating pad or very warm washcloth over the area.
   — Melinda_AL

January 4, 2003
I had my RNY in May and still have a couple of raised areas where my IVs were. I kept blowing them out due to the pain meds so I ended up with many sites. I had GB removal in December and still have a fairly large bump where the first IV was and another in my neck where they put the central line. So far they do nothing more than itch occasionally but I have no fear of blood clots. I figure they will eventually go away. If not, then it's just another battle scar to remind me where I came from.
   — Vicki H.

January 4, 2003
I had the same problem after my surgery. The site of the IV was more sore than the surgery itself. It took me longer to heal from the IV site than my overall recovery. It is called thrombophlebitis, inflammation of the vein, after trauma (IV). Like the prev. poster suggested, keep warm compresses on the site. If it continues to get worse, you will need to be seen, and possible antibiotics. Congrats on your surgery!
   — Cheri M.

January 4, 2003
I am at 6 weeks post op and also have swelling and discomfort on the top of my right hand. I had some IV leakage and it is just going to take some time to resolve. Just in the past week I have noticed that the pain is less and my veins still feel hardend. Sometimes when riding in the car I put my hand against the cold window and that helps take some of the pain out. Other times just washing dishes in very warm water helps ( one benefit of housework). Just stay with the program and watch for any changes like increased pain or swelling.
   — Lisa D.

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