Is there a place to find the meanings to all of them?

Hi I have been reading the posted Q&As for about two months. I am also "caloricly challenged"! This web site has been a true inspiration to me . . . I am now positive that I want to have WLS. Please help me read it better . . .what do all the acronyms mean . . . AMOS, etc. Please help!!! Also, I have a consultation with Dr. David VonRueden in Wynnwood on 3/31. . . has anyone had WLS performed by him? Many thanks to all of you . . . for your frienship and inspiration! Fondly, Michele :)    — Michele D. (posted on February 27, 2003)

February 27, 2003
I am with you, I do not know what all of the intials mean, I think that I do know a few. DH is Dear husband, LOL is lots of love, AMOS is Association of Morbority Obese Support, BTW is by the way, and b/c is because, now I may be wrong, so I will be checking back on this question with you.
   — cindy

February 27, 2003
LOL can also mean laughing out loud. DH (or DB or DW or DG) Dear husband, dear boyfriend, dear wife, dear girlfriend. . . or dratted, darned (fill in the blank in place of dear). For many, it depends on something a significant other has recently done or said. I know that for one person who had been in an unhappy marriage, the D stood for departed (no, not dead).
   — garw

February 27, 2003
Hi Michele, yes, all these acronyms can be totally confusing. Here's a good site to find meanings: <P> As far as THIS particular site, and not repeating the previous ones mentioned, RNY=Roux en Y, DS=Duodenal Switch, GB=gastric bypass, SO=significant other, IMHO=in my humble opinion, LOL=laughing out loud, RFLMAO=rolling on the floor laughing my a*s off, BF=boyfriend, MIL=mother-in-law (for some odd reason people talk a lot about their MILs here!). Can't think of any others right now, but that site should solve most of them for you. Hugs, Joy
   — [Deactivated Member]

February 27, 2003
And as far as THIS site goes ... SOB means "shortness of breath" .... NOT what I originally thought it meant for the longest time! *giggle*
   — Dragon G.

February 27, 2003
One that I see people getting confused about is "lap" which usually means laparascopic not lap band. I am wondering what *G* means. giggle?
   — Carol S.

February 28, 2003
*G* is grin, *BG* is big grin, *VBG* is very big grin (without the asterisks it's vertical banded gastroplasty *G*)...JR
   — John Rushton

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