I will be having a tt and breast reduction w/ dr. Madry and dr. Guske on april 5th.

any suggestions on what I need to buy? can you describe the pain the results? any help would be deeply appreciated. you can email me @ [email protected] IF YOU PREFER. THANK YOU SOO MUCH!!!    — JUANITA U. (posted on March 12, 2004)

March 12, 2004
Check out this site - They have lots of info. I had my TT, Arms, and breast lift on Feb. 3, 2004. I slept in a rocker/recliner for a week. It kept me at a perfect angle. Get some elastic waist pants and plan to wear them for at least 6 weeks. You won't stand up straight for a few weeks. Have at least 2 binders and surgery bras. See if hospital will give them to you so that insurance (if covered) will pay for them. You will not eat or drink a lot for a while. Have simple easy items to eat and drink. Remember, every day that goes by you will get better. It will take time to see what you will actually look like. If you are afraid of pain or anything, tell the doctor and the Nurse Anesthetist. They will take care of your needs. Best of Luck to you. A prayer doesn't hurt either. LAP RNY 8-28-02 - 125 lbs.
   — Linda K.

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