Anyone with heart problems?

I just "flunked" my stress test. The doc says there may be a blockage. he wants to do a heart cath and if there is a blockage they will try the balloon thingy. If that doesnt work its open heart surgery. That terrifies me. How will that affect my having wls? I just got approved and was looking at having my surgery between Jan-march.    — justaboutkrazy (posted on November 29, 2005)

November 29, 2005
It means you will live to see Christmas with a healthy hearth with out having a heart attack ,no residual damage from one, and a good lease on life, a very fortunate lucky person. as opose to one of the 2600000 who will die this year having thier first sudden heart attack.
   — walter A.

November 29, 2005
I have just went throught ALL this it was scary but after all the testing my heart is ok :) this is what I have see below. If you want to read more on it click the link below. I will not be taking meds. The Dr. said it could be worse, the side affects etc.... premature atrial contractions (PAC) PACs have their focus of origin in the atria, or upper chambers of the heart. If you go to my Obesity page you will see more info. from 9-30-05 till now. Get your heart checked out better to be safe then sorry. I am sure it's all ok!
   — Janine Greenwood

November 29, 2005
Mary, The cardiac cath is more important! Have it done! No WLS surgeon would do your surgery until you are cleared medically. It's possibly a false positive, mine was, I had the cath and was cleared for surgery. Tomanip
   — TomanipP

November 29, 2005
Please follow through on the heart cath. It is very unlikely a surgeon would risk WLS with a possible blockage. SInce blood clots is already a risk post surgery you really want your ticker in the best shape possible. I had a scare just a month before my surgery with my asthma. I went into near respiratory failure. It took 3 weeks to recover but 2 weeks before my surgery date I was able to pass my pulmoanry functioning test and everything turned out fine. I will be hoping all goes well for you!!!
   — ppaige

November 30, 2005
I know how scary that must be for you, but I wanted to share my friends expereince. He too was approved for WLS and then was advised of the same possible heart problem you were. He went through all the tests and he too was advised it was a false positive. It seems rather common, but better to be n the safe side. So my thoughts and prayers go out to you in hopes that all works out well.
   — continuedmoon

December 26, 2005
I also didn't pass my stress test and had to have a heart cath. They found that I had a slight problem with my valves. I got the clearence to go ahead with my wls. I had this done almost two years ago. I am doing great with it all but my heart doctor wants to do another heart cath next week. I have been having some problems and also everyone in my family has had to have open heart surgery on the aortic valve. I am praying that everything will be great for me. I am leaving it all up to God.
   — carolwestern

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