I think my pouch is stretching...

I am totally freaking out! I am able to eat what I would consider a lot. Definitely more than a cup and I am only approx. 3 months out. Does anyone have experience with this? I feel like I am failing...HELP    — luckeycricket (posted on January 26, 2006)

January 26, 2006
Christie, Ask your surgeon. My experience was that I could eat more of certain types of foods but not others. The overall picture was that I was still losing weight and that the amount I was eating, while seeming large, was still within my acceptable range. Good luck with this and definitely run it by your doc. El
   — [Deactivated Member]

January 26, 2006
Many people early on will push to find the outer limits of their pouch. Over-eating is a very tough habit to break. However, consistently over-eating (if you are) can pose some serious health risks. So, you need to do a few things because you deserve to make the most out of your surgery: try to measure your food, eat slowly (actually putting down the fork or spoon between bites), limit your meals to no more than 20 minutes (if you have to get up from the table to stop grazing then do that) and try to focus on protein (protein will fill you up much more quickly). It is also possible that you may have a medical issue with your pouch (whether it's been stretched, your stoma is enlarged) or a neurological issue (where you have a limited capacity to feel fullness). As a result, be sure to include your surgeon. Lastly, it is also possible that your old food demons still compel you to overeat. If that's the case, and only you will know for sure, don't hesitate to seek a therapist or counsellor to guide you in handling those issues. Good luck.
   — SteveColarossi

January 26, 2006
I find that I can only eat a few bites. Or I will feel like I am going to get sick. When I had my new tummy I would feel as if I was hungry but I was not
   — bntfive

January 26, 2006
I asked my Dr. about this today-seems I'm eating quite a bit more than she said I could-she said that it's because I'm eating a lot of "soft foods" that soup, chili and stuff like that will not take up much room after they are chewed-so that it just seems like your eating more. Once you get on to more solid foods-you will find that you can eat less. Either way, she said, "if your not getting nauseated or vomiting then you are not over eating, because if you did you would be sick."
   — janh

January 26, 2006
I totally understand. I am 6 weeks post op and I am scared to think how much I know I can eat right now. I noticed in your question you said "I am able" to eat alot, instead of I am hungry. try to ask yourself are you really hungry or are you just eating larger portions because you can? also make sure you are taking ALL of your vitamins(b12,iron,calcium,and a multiple)if you are taking all of your vitamins and getting approx 80 grams of protein a day then dont eat more than 1 cup of food(even if you are able) I never really feel full, I just have to stop eating now because I know I should...good luck to you...
   — rebecca3

January 26, 2006
I too have the same concern! I am 9 weeks post op and can eat much more than I expected. I am also concerned that I have not lost anything in almost 2 weeks. I have lost 38 pounds, but I fear failing. My doctor doesnt think there is a problem. Keep me updated...
   — sswain

January 27, 2006
I too am a bit freaked out by how much I can consume!!! I'm 8 months post-op and I've lost 70 lbs but have been at a standstill (even gone up a few pounds up) for the past 2 months. Not sure what to do... know I need to eat less... but thought my new pouch would keep this all in control. Don't like being able to eat this much!! Hope we find control! Keep at it!! : ) And I will too! We didn't go through the surgery for it not to work!!!!
   — karen.s.

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