Strange itching from inside

I have been post op 2 weeks today and I have been feeling great. However, today, I started like an itching sensation from inside and like a tugging and it is driving me nuts. I have no pain at all... just this strange sensation. Has anyone had this? I know it sounds silly but it is annoying. Thank you    — mavila07 (posted on April 5, 2006)

April 5, 2006
I am not completely sure what it is...except that it is normal with any abdominal surgery...I believe that it is just the tissue and nerves and muscles healing as the stiches are all through the layers of your belly. I have had a tummy tuck and felt the same thing and questioned it at that time as well. Just to let you know that was in 97, and I felt it for years!!
   — Dawn1

April 5, 2006
I had itching too and Dr. said I was healing. It did go away. Try light massage on the area, that may help...
   — vhoupt

April 6, 2006
I had open RNY 2/08/2006 and have the same Dr says its part of the healing process. I agree with the other post...when the itching gets too maddening, I just gently rub the area works for me.
   — Tonya M.

April 14, 2006
Itching from the inside out can indicate an allergic reaction - are you taking any new meds? If so, I would check on that. I just had a lower body lift (which, at this point, would never recommend to anyone), and had an itching from the inside out that turned out to be an allergic reaction to either the antibiotic or pain med i was on (still don't know which one, just know never to take either again). After i left the hospital (and i believe this was unrelated), i had an unrelenting itch from the inside out on the back of my right shoulder that was maddening and lasted for about a week. I actually ended up breaking the skin with several scratches because i couldn't stop myself from scratching even in my sleep. Never figured that one out (and the doctor was flummoxed as well), but i would definitely check on any meds you may be taking. Good luck.
   — sweetmana

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