Anything i eat or drink gives me incredible gas help

I am three weeks post surgery I have lost 28 lbs which is a plus. I have a problem,though anything I eat or drink hot or cold no matter how slowly gives me incredible gas pains is this normal? I have tried sipping as slowly as I can and a lot of different foods drinks all with the same result. Gas X(Simethicone) dosesn,t help . can anyone give me a suggestion or tell me when or if this will pass thank you    — disgruntlpostal (posted on May 22, 2007)

May 22, 2007
I used phazyme gel tabs and it worked wonders very fast. Try this!
   — kendalyne

May 22, 2007
Virginia, here is the thing. You just went through major surgery, you are totally rewired for weight loss, and your intestines are learning a new life. You have to give this stuff time. If you try and push things, the natural healing can be disrupted. Gas is just gas. I am 3 years out, and pass it quietly, but I pass it. It is just gas. The body has to do naturally what it does. Nerves have a lot to do with gas. Not just foods. I say let it pass, talk to your doctor and see what they say, but let your body heal from this big surgery. I wish you well. Take care, Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

May 23, 2007
Hello Virginia Yep, gas is part of the package after this surgery. I'm 3 months out and pass it quietly and if I feel that it's going to be one that sounds off, I leave my desk and go to the bathroom.
   — the7thdean

December 1, 2007
I only know that I am feeling the same thing - and everyone thinks I am worried about passing gas - ! I am having sharp very strong pains right between the breasts. These pains make it impossible to drink my fluids , as even a sip seems to cause a spasm. I took gas X also -- did nothing. I tried rolaids multi symptom and it seemed to work a little - but how many is too many? I felt as if I needed 2 chewables every 1/2 hour - and is it good for the pouch- no one seems to know. My Dr. office says walk more, and sip slower. DOING THAT. There HAS to be something that will stop this sharp pain. Because if this pain keeps up _ I will not be able to eat or drink anything without taking a pain pill. I am 4 weeks out - anyone out there with some practical help? thanks for any help -
   — simplytrue

December 1, 2007
I only know that I am feeling the same thing - and everyone thinks I am worried about passing gas - ! I am having sharp very strong pains right between the breasts. These pains make it impossible to drink my fluids , as even a sip seems to cause a spasm. I took gas X also -- did nothing. I tried rolaids multi symptom and it seemed to work a little - but how many is too many? I felt as if I needed 2 chewables every 1/2 hour - and is it good for the pouch- no one seems to know. My Dr. office says walk more, and sip slower. DOING THAT. There HAS to be something that will stop this sharp pain. Because if this pain keeps up _ I will not be able to eat or drink anything without taking a pain pill. I am 4 weeks out - anyone out there with some practical help? thanks for any help -
   — simplytrue

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