I am very tired

I am very tired all last week and yet today even. I find myself dozing off while sitting at work at my desk. Does anyone know if this could be a sign of lacking something?    — missyheffelfinger (posted on March 10, 2008)

March 9, 2008
Hows your iron??? I was anemic for a while and I was tired all of the time. Are you taking your vitamins?????
   — Joanc

March 9, 2008
Is there any chance you could be pregnant? I know when I was pregnant the first couple weeks I was so tired I couldn't keep my eyes open when I was sitting down sometimes.
   — jjeanniespets1

March 9, 2008
Since you had surgery a year ago, you should not be tired from the recovery process. You could need to see the doctor for further investigation. You may have a sleep disorder, need sleeping pills, or get your blood checked to see if your iron or something else is not correct.
   — Dave Chambers

March 9, 2008
Oh Yers, I know it well. Thre are three things, two of which you might be suffering from if you had an RNY. They first is shortage of B-12. You can go to your doctor and get a shot and it will have you feeling better in lest than a day. To maintain, obtain a B-12 spray and spray three times every morning and evening. See for a source for the spray or try you local drugstore. Second is Iron, which you can get from the same website. The iron they carry in Drug stores goes right through those who have had RNY before it works. Building Blocks also sell it in 15mg and 20mg Chewable and tablet. You can also have a blood test to confirm either of these two issues. The third is if you had diabeties first and it might have got better from WLS. Throid can give up. Mine did and I had to go on Synthroid. Cheap perscription, but you have to have blood test so the Droctor and perscrib the right amount. Start with Iron and B12 and see if they work for you first.
   — William (Bill) wmil

March 10, 2008
It's hard to guess, it could be so many things... You might want to go to your Doctor and have him do blood work, check your Thyroid, sugar, hormones, etc.. Also, make sure your taking multi-vitamins and a B-12/B-vitamins supplement. Have you gained weight, could you have sleep apnea? It's best for most people to sleep on their side as much as they can and avoid sleeping on their back. You might want to ask your Doctor to send you for an overnight sleep study to rule out sleep apnea, narcolepsy, periodc limb movements during sleep, and other types of sleep disorders. Try to go to bed and get up at the same time every day, including weekends, try to get 8 hours sleep every night. Keep your bedroom dark and comfortably cool, don't watch TV, eat, or read in bed, make your bedroom your sanctuary away from noise, kids, bills, and so on.....
   — Gina S.

March 10, 2008
Iron is what generally causes this. It could just be your body readapting to real life after surgery. I have something you might want to try
   — bariatricdivalatina

March 10, 2008
sleep ;)
   — Harry King

March 10, 2008
Did you have a sleep apnea test as part of your surgery qualifications? If so, what were the results? If not, it would be a good idea to have them even if only to rule it out. Untreated apnea causes many MANY other related ailments and diseases.
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 11, 2008
I had the same thing. My old doctor just told me to take more B-12 but my new and improved Doc. checked my blood and found my iron low. I had to go to a blood doc. and get an iron infusion for 1 hour a day, 5 day total. And I feel 110% better. I didn't know how tired I really was! Please get this checked. It can cause irregular heart beat. ( I know)
   — barbaral

March 12, 2008
It is veryimportant that you take all of the necessary vitamins. Are you taking B12, iron and zinc? They are very important. You might want to have your blood drawn to see where youare defiicit. Your doctor should be able to look at it and tell you where you are lacking. Good Luck
   — Sammi G.

March 13, 2008
Those were my symptoms right before I found out I have sleep apnia
   — Rachelena

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