Po-Op Drainage long are they normally kept in before being removed?

I am 38days post op and still have a drainage tube. It is just beginning to slow. My Dr. says I have to have 35cc or less before it is removed. I have to leakage but the port is tender and sore by times...also wanted to know if anyone that has had the tummy tuck was left with a muffin top and if so did you complain to your Dr? I don't know what to do as I feel there should have been more take from my abdominal wall and my surgery was 100% covered. Not happy with results at this time...looking for advice    — frennewf (posted on January 29, 2009)

January 28, 2009
I have not had my tummy tuck yet. I'm scheduled to have it March 4. I'm replying because no one else has yet and don't want to leave you hanging out there answerless. 38 days is a long time. I understand your concern there. As for the "muffin top", I was told (don't have any experience with it yet) that it can take up to a whole year for the swelling to completely go down and that you may not even have a good idea what it's going to look like for 6 months. I'm not sure what you mean about "more taken" from your abdominal wall. They don't really take anything from your abdominal wall. All they do is stitch those muscles back together. After you are 100% healed and cleared to exercise, I was told abdominal exercises will be more effective than before because your abdominals will be working together again.
   — Launa N.

January 28, 2009
hello, you dont say if you had abdominalplasty or Panniculectomy? there are major differences there. I had the panni. I have a bit of a muffin top, but I expected it. How much did he remove? I only had my drains for 3 weeks. At this point I am very happy because I do not have a roll above the pubis anymore. I had my surgery 9-23-09 I am still tender, still have some swelling. Like the other poster it could be a year before you can judge if you are really where you will be. congrats to you. mine was covered 100% too.
   — dessary316

January 28, 2009
I had a TT and that seems way to long to have the drain tubes in. I had my drain tubes out one in 2 weeks and the second came out at 3 weeks. You should not have muffin tops either. I am 3 years out and my tummy is flatter than any of the teen girls running around. I would seriously complain to the doctor and make him take care of the problem especially since your insurance paid for it. Did you have it done here in the states?
   — dammfamily

January 29, 2009
Too first thank those of you that responded so quickly. As for the coverage it was 100% OHIP...Ontario Canada! What I meant is I do not think that the Dr. tighten my adominals the way they have shown on TV and he told me I was covered to have a complete not just a partial so I am concerned whether I will be left with a muffin top or not. I see him in March and I will tell him then that I am not happy right now with what I see. As for the drainage, I am down another 15cc since yesterday but I still have to drop between 5 -10 more before they will remove the drain. It will be 40 dyas post op on Sat. I found it long, so do some of my VON's but the Dr said some have it for 6 weeks...I am concerned but will keep you posted as to what happens...thanks again. Have a great day and God Bless
   — frennewf

January 29, 2009
I was extremely worried about drain tubes. i had 2 = one came out before i left the hospital and the other after 1 week. i was extremely worried about them but as they were not comfortable coming was fast.
   — charmainesullivan

January 29, 2009
My tubes were taken out to early and I had a massive infection for 5 months. I even had to go back to OR and have debridments 2 times to get all the puss pockets out. Plus I spent a extra 2 weeks in the hospital. I had a wound Vac for 4 months and it was not fun. I had the wound care nurse come to my home 2 to 3 times a week for about 2 months. Oh by the way I had a panni done. My swelling went down after about a year. Which I heard this could be normal. One mistake on should I went to a plastic surgeon and not a baratric surgeon. My insurance paid 100 % but it was a nightmare for me. This baratric surgeon did not even know what it looks like when a would busted open the first day of surgery in the evening. This wounded conntinued to break open for weeks and kept saying I was fine. I almost died. I made sure when I got readmitted to the hosital I made sure this doctor was off and his partner.I got another surgeon to admit me from a differnet hospital that was covering for them and when he saw my big mess he said OMG you could die. He said these doctor's screwed up big time.I pray that everthing goes smooth for you. Good Luck, Dawn
   — [Deactivated Member]

January 29, 2009
I had a TT a few years ago. The tubes were taken out but my incision just kept draining. I ended up in the hospital several times with fever and had to have a blood transfusion. From my experience the drainage lasts quite awhile (I probably should have had the tube in longer). I do have a bulge (not sure if that is what you mean by muffin cup) on my hip which I don't care for but it doesn't interfere with clothing and isn't noticable except to me. My husband agrees it is no big deal knowing what was there before to what is there now. I'm happy with my new look though it isn't perfect. It is nice having a flat stomach.
   — Cari F.

January 30, 2009
I'm sorry to hear about your situation. I can understand you not being happy about the results. It will get better. I don't know when but it will get better. Best Wishes
   — Corina C

January 31, 2009
I had a panni done and my drain tube was in for about 5-6 weeks, because it was needed. I was told that when I was down to less than 5cc's in a 24 hr period, it would be removed. I found it very uncomfortable, as it was stitched in place. I also feel that I have a muffin top, so to speak and all of my pants seem to migrate to my incision line. That appears to be my new waist, so to speak. The extra skin (about 10 lbs worth) that was removed is a blessing and the area is completelty flat, however above the incision area I still have a fullness, that after one year of surgery, still remains. I am OK with it for now, however be sure to ask your physician if thatr was his/her intent.
   — toula21

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