
I recently sent the dr's office my paperwork to see if i qualify to get a consult and i heard back. They stated that i need to get an evaluation with a counselor before i get a consult. is this normal and what to expect when meeting with counselor?    — mistz4 (posted on April 2, 2009)

April 2, 2009
Yes, this is normal. I had to have a psych evaluation, too. The surgeon gave us several names of psychologists that he works with, and we had our choice of them. We had to have one visit, which consisted of about 90 minutes to 2 hours, and the psychologist went over a quite comprehensive list of questions that are designed to help determine whether or not you think this surgery is merely a "magic bullet" to make you lose weight, or whether you are knowledgeable and dedicated to the whole lifestyle change that will be required of you to make your weight loss journey a success. It is good to go prepared with as much information about the surgery you choose to have and why, and what preparations you have done, and what your expectations are. Good luck with your appointment!
   — Erica Alikchihoo

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