Why am I feeling week and tired 2 weeks Post-op?

Since I got home from the hospital I was full of energy and ready to take on anything, now for the last two days I've been tired, out of energy and ready for a nap anytime! I thought I was keeping onto of my vitamins and eating correctly I'm not sure what is the problem, maybe there is no problem, maybe it's normal? Help!    — misspatrioticone (posted on May 12, 2009)

May 12, 2009
I meant weak, not week....ugh I'm tired!
   — misspatrioticone

May 12, 2009
Im 8 weeks out and still tired, when you figure it out let me know please. Im already low in iron, so maybe you are to, who knows.
   — sassy1696

May 12, 2009
I felt like that at week 2 also. I started drinking protein shakes and was feeling pretty good within a few days. Hope that helps.
   — jenface24

May 12, 2009
I had the same problem at 2 weeks out so I called my surgeon, because I *knew* that I shouldn't be tired when I was getting my protein, water, vitamins, etc. My surgeon reminded me that even though I didn't feel pain at 2 weeks out, my body was still recovering from surgery, which takes a lot of energy. And most importantly, he reminded me, that at 2 weeks out I was trying to do many of the same things I did before surgery (e.g. work, take care of the house, etc.) but doing it all on about 1/2 or 1/3 the calories. He said that even though I was getting all the protien, water, etc that I should be getting, I would feel tired because my body was used to having way more calories to work with, so I should rest when I needed and try not to be so hard on myself. As frustrating as it is, I think you might be in the same situation as I was.
   — ads2e

May 13, 2009
You had major surgery. It takes time to heal. You will be tired for several weeks. I was very tired for about 4 weeks, then it slowly got better. By eight weeks I felt fine again. Give it time. Be kind to yourself.
   — trible

May 19, 2009
Had surgery 3/5/09 and needed a nap almost daily for a a full month afterwards. The others are right, take it easy, and rest when you are tired. Your body is trying to recover! I am now about 10weeks post op and I feel great! You will too, soon enough!
   — thegoodlife

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