If you had surgery without a family member present, please let me know how you felt?

I am having surgery on Thursday, 02/24/00. I have only told one family member about my having WLS surgery. She was not super supportive, but she quickly learned that she could not change my mind. She agreed to go to the hospital with me on surgery day. However, she is a worrier. I don't want her to be sitting and worrying while I am in surgery or recovery. After all, I probably will be out of it most of the time. If you had surgery without a family member present, please let me know how you felt about it.    — YOVETTE D. (posted on February 21, 2000)

February 21, 2000
Yovette, I traveled from NJ to Atlanta on the plane alone to get a very experienced surgeon to perform my lap RNY. My husband was unable to accompany me because he had started a new job recently. No one else in my family knows about the surgery, even now. I felt somewhat isolated, but after I related my story to the nurses and staff at the hospital, they took extra special care of me and even came in just to visit. I kept in contact with my husband by phone. I then traveled home alone on the plane at 3 days post op. If you have this person come with you, tell her to bring a good book to read while she waits and tell her you won't be great company after you return from the recovery room. Also, let her know that you need her there for support. Assure her that you have the greatest confidence in your surgeon and the hospital staff or you would not be there. However, if you choose to go alone, it's amazing how kind and caring strangers can be. My experience was a good one. Good luck to you and if you need any more information you can email me at [email protected].
   — Sandy 2.

February 22, 2000
Yovette, Hi, I am scheduled to have Surgery on the 17th of March, and although I know I'm definetly in the minority, I really prefer to be alone, I really don't want to have my family in there all worried and upset, because I think that will cause me to be upset. I know I will have tubes in my nose and really look and feel awful after surgery for a day or two. I would rather that my family wait at least until the second day before they come to visit. None of them are especially good at being in the hospital with sick people. I know they love me and will be worried enough without having to see me at my worst. I know this is unusual to feet this way but I have always been one to handle my problems on my own, that's just the way I am. If you do end us alone, please know we will all be with you in spirit and offering up special prayers. LOL Jeanie
   — Jeanie W.

February 22, 2000
Before you go it alone, you should read Daryl Davidson's profile. This man probably would not be here today if it were not for his wife keeping an eye on him and what the hospital staff were doing or not doing.
   — Tina H.

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