What is the difference between a CPAP and a Bi-PAP machine?

I put out a request a couple of weeks ago for a donated CPAP machine because, lucky me, my insurance doesn't cover "Durable Medical Equipment" and 3 of you replied! Bless your hearts! In fact I am sitting here with a beautiful Respironics Tranquility Quest CPAP machine in my little, sleep starved hands. But, my prescription turns out to be for a Bi-pap, at a mere $198 a month. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm going to pay this because I am at my wits end - I'm literally going to crack up soon if I don't get some refreshing sleep. I'll work overtime (and eventually even be awake while I'm working it!! smile) but I would really appreciate someone telling me what the difference is? And why is one prescribed as opposed to the other? And lastly, does anyone have a Bi-pap machine they'd like to unload?? Smile. Thanks you guys.    — Marie L. (posted on July 5, 2000)

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