is it necesary to have plastic surgery a year after you have had the bypass surgery.

is it absolutely necessary to have plastic surgery a year after you have had the bypass surgery. anyone out there 290 or more and lost the loose skin without plastic surgery    — lthomas (posted on March 16, 2006)

March 16, 2006
Knowing lots of post ops its very individual. partially on whats acceptable to you, and also your body. I will report well less than half get plastics. WLS is about getting health, looks come in behind that for most people, as a nice siude benefit.
   — bob-haller

March 16, 2006
My Dr suggests not to entertain plastic surgery until you have stabilized in your weight about 6 mos. In my 18 month check up I was still losing so I was not released to go check them out yet. With me not losing much these days I am betting I am almost ready!
   — dcox94

March 16, 2006
Hi,, NO its not absolutely necessary that you have to have plastic surgery. Its each persons own decision weather they have plastic surgery or not. Affordablity and insurance also has alot to do with peoples decision to have it or not...
   — Amy Hoffman

March 16, 2006
I myself am thinking of the plastics side of things. It would not be that I HAD to have it but if I can continue to do well and have the body I have NEVER had then I am going to have the surgery. I have been told by my surgeon that having an exercise program in place for a year and a half helps if I do consider surgery. My surgeon stated that it tones the muscles under the loose skin and when you have the plastics the surgeon can then do the best job to correct the problem. I have noticed with my weight loss that since I started a strength training routine things are much better without as much loose skin. I have at least another year before I will consult with a plastic surgeon.
   — 1968 Loser

March 17, 2006
It is a very individual decision. It depends on how you carry the weight. If you were barrel-shaped and carried it all up front, you will probably have some hanging skin. Loose skin on your inner thighs and upper arms COULD be filled with muscle if you because an avid body builder I suppose, but otherwise it's just something you learn to live with. I started at 305 and got down to 145 and while it wasn't necessary, I had plastic surgery because my boobs deflated from a 44G to a 36C but still had the SKIN for the 44G so I look like a National Geographic centrefold - NOT attractive. I also had a fairly large fold of skin between my belly button and public area so had a tummy tuck. In extreme cases people can develop chafing and infections for large amount of hanging skin but I doubt you will have to deal with that from a weight of 290 (I am talking about SMOs).
   — j_coulter

March 17, 2006
This is the one thing I wish I had considered more before having surgery. I don't know the actual percentages, but it appears to me that the vast majority of people who lose significant weight will need plastic surgery. Yeah it's technically a choice, but looking at pictures of people pre-surgery I can't imagine any of them not doing it. I think people should expect to have to do it - if you end up not needing it, that's a bonus.
   — blues-singer

March 19, 2006
I think that plastic surgery is a matter of opinion. Some people want it and others really don't care if they sag a bit. I would think that if you are happy with the results of the weight loss that it wouldn't matter about the plastic surgery. My insurance doesn't cover plastic surgery so I am going to have to be happy with what I have.
   — vickicarson

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