How can I increase my lung capacity?

I want to increase my lung capacity pre-operatively. I quit smoking over 4-5 years ago. Should I use my CPAP machine for this or seek respiratory therapy for what I've heard called "incentive spirometry?"    — yourdivaness (posted on April 11, 2002)

April 11, 2002
It is too bad that I threw my little spirmeter thing out. Probably your Dr. could order one from Respiratory Therapy. It is just made of plastic & you blow into it. I don't recall how many times per day. You know what else works? Buy a little Karaoke machine & use it! Singing really helps!
   — Barbara B.

April 11, 2002
I can't imagine how you would use your CPAP machine to help you improve your breathing. However, you could call the respiratory dept at the hospital and ask them about simple deep breathing exercises. They might also be able to get you an incentive spirometer to work with.
   — garw

April 11, 2002
I just went to see my doctor today and he gave me the spirometer and I have to be able to get over 4000. Also 10 reps 10 times a day . A total of 100 times ec day. I also have quit smoking 5 years ago. The deeper you can breath the better you are. I think it has something to do with Phmonia (sp). Ask you surgen, he should have some for each of his patients. Good luck. sandy
   — sandy W.

April 11, 2002
I had two C-sections and had to go through all the post-op breathing and coughing. The little plastic dealie you had to blow into was exactly like blowing up a balloon...I swear!! Go buy a bag of balloons and start working those lungs!!! p.s. my kids room was starting to fill up with balloons so I quit tying knots in mine!!!
   — cherokey55

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