Should I call my surgeon or my PCP?

I was hoping this headache would go away by now...I've had this agonizing headache since Sunday afternoon and can't seem to get rid of it. The pain is so intense, it makes my eyes water. I have some Percocet that was prescribed from my surgery for pain, but I'm not sure if I should take it. For me, aspirin, Advil, Motrin, Aleve and the others are out of the question. Before I call one of my doctors, I'd like to know if anyone has any suggestions? Thank you, Love~~Hadiyah    — yourdivaness (posted on January 28, 2003)

January 27, 2003
Hadiyah, First off CALL YOUR DOCTOR. I know you hear that alot but you need to get some help, never be afraid to call your surgeons office. Also, my husband gets blinding migraines on a regular basis and the meds were tearing up his stomach so I got him some of those migraine patches you wear on your head and they seem to REALLY help. I had a migraine last week and nothing stopped it, until I put one of those on. Go get yourself some for temporary relief, but you need to see a doc. It may be as simple as a very painful sinus infection. You can have one and not even know it!! I do not know how far out you are but oxygen in the hospital can tear up the sinus cavity and an infection can set in. Take care and good luck ***10 mths PO -185, weight 135lbs.***
   — smedley200

January 30, 2003
Call your doctor immediately or go to the nearest ER. That is too long for a headache to last! There could be something else going on!
   — dolphins94

July 28, 2003
Original Poster Here: I just want to say “Thank You” to ALL of you, for taking the time to respond to my question(s). Oftentimes, I’m so busy reading and responding to others, that I’m unable to get back to my own posts. I try to make time for others just as others have taken time for me both pre and post-operatively. You clicked on and shared your knowledge, when you could have simply moved on to the next question(s) from others. I appreciate you! Luv, Prayers and {{{HUGS}}} Hadiyah McCutcheon, a.k.a.~~~
   — yourdivaness

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