Why does my weight keep fluctuating? Can anyone tell me why?

I'm about 4 and 1/2 months out. On 1/13/03, I weighed 188 at my surgeons office,then I lost about 10lbs. I weighed myself 1/27/03, and to my surprise, I'd GAINED back to 190!!!I'm doing all the water and protein, aerobics twice a week, and I walk briskly (at 7 miles per hour) EVERY DAY~I have a clip on pedometer that I wear all day even while at work. This is beginning to bother me. I can't understand what could be happening. I don't have menstrual cycles anymore, so I don't think that's it. Then I weighed myself this morning, and I'm back at 188.6 again...The changes these bodies go through. Why does my weight keep fluctuating? Thanks everyone!    — yourdivaness (posted on January 30, 2003)

January 30, 2003
Hi. I can't explain why your wt. fluctuates like that, but I can tell mine does too. Its very frustrating.
   — Tina L.

January 30, 2003
Hi, I've had the same thing happen to me. Our bodies hold fluids sometimes. If you drink a 16oz water bottle...that's 1 lb that you've added to your body weight until it flushes out. So if you are drinking 64ozs a day, that's close to 5 lbs of fluids. It's astounding to think we can add that many lbs just drinking water. Of course, you should be running to the bathroom all day long, but some days I don't go as often. If I eat anything salty during the day, I don't release fluids as quickly for a day or two. Even if you aren't having periods anymore, it could still be hormonal changes causing fluid accumulation. It's just something we have to live with. It will come off!
   — mbradley35

January 30, 2003
hi there :) i think its very normal to fluctuate. i used to be obsessed with the scales but not anymore as it was making me crazy! LOL i also notice that when i weigh in the morning before eating or drinking anything its like 1 to 2 lbs less than it will be later in the day if i weigh again. i also dont go near the scaLE during my period as that always goes up and i hate it! i think water has somethng to do with it as well. ie been such a good girl about exercise and water lately and i noticed it goes up.being that ive increased my water, exercise and have my period, im staying the heck off atleast until next week! :)hang in there! :)
   — carrie M.

January 30, 2003
hi there :) i think its very normal to fluctuate. i used to be obsessed with the scales but not anymore as it was making me crazy! LOL i also notice that when i weigh in the morning before eating or drinking anything its like 1 to 2 lbs less than it will be later in the day if i weigh again. i also dont go near the scaLE during my period as that always goes up and i hate it! i think water has somethng to do with it as well. ie been such a good girl about exercise and water lately and i noticed it goes up.being that ive increased my water, exercise and have my period, im staying the heck off atleast until next week! :)hang in there! :)
   — carrie M.

January 30, 2003
You said that you weighed at your surgeons office on 1/13 but didn't say if you used the same scale on the 27th when you weighed in and noticed the weight gain. There is a 6 pound difference between the scale I have at home and the one the surgeon has in his office. That may be part of the problem. Also, I too have had weight fluctuations, where i have gained 3 pounds one day, and 2 days later it is gone along with an additional pound. I really had this about 9-10 months post-op, so it just may be the bodys way of deciding if it wants to let go of the water and the fat. Just stay the course, do what you know is right and in the end, it will go down.
   — Cindy R.

January 30, 2003
there are many reasons you may have fluctuating #'s; you are gaining muscle with the excercise, it may have to do with your hormones, it may depend on what time of the day it could be any number of reasons. I fluctuate between 5-10 pounds each month..up and down. Perhaps you should consider consulting your physician for a more accurate answer. It may ease your mind.
   — twenc

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