Wait another year for surgery? Why?

I recently went to a new PCP and he wants me to do a year of supervised diets with him and then look into weight loss surgery after a year if there are no results. I went through this with my last PCP and I've had enough with stupid diets and horrible exercise programs. I already have a consult scheduled with a surgeon in May that I made two monthes ago. But new PCP still wants me to try dieting for another year. I really like this PCP, he's really cool, and doesn't dismiss my health concerns because of my weight (unlike the last doctor I went to). Should I track down my medical records and show him all the doctor assisted attempts or give him a chance with his own program?    — HeidiMc (posted on April 7, 2003)

April 7, 2003
Hi Heidi! I think you should talk to your new PCP. Yes, get all your medical records together regarding the dieting you've done in the last year, and before that if you have it! Explain to him why you don't want to wait another year, show him your diet history, and ask him WHY he thinks another year of diet/failure (like you've already been doing) is necessary. If you don't like his answer or he's not willing to recommend you for surgery now despite your history, consider finding yet another PCP. Or maybe you and he could come to a compromise, like have him put you on a diet that he thinks you should achieve weight loss on, with a progress check after 2-3 months, and if you are not losing like you should, then he recommends you for surgery or something like that. Good luck!
   — beeda

April 7, 2003
Ask your PCP hoiw many paytients he EVER had loose 100 pounds and keep it off for 5 years. Tell him you will find someone else if he doesnt support you NOW. Then check with your surgeon or a support group for a supportive PCP.
   — bob-haller

April 7, 2003
You should talk with this doctor, tell him this is your decision to have this done now, not later. Also, let him know you will find someone else to help you on your journey if he is unable to. Your surgeons office should be able ot give you a few names of other doctors who are WLS friendly. You really just need to stick to your decision. good luck, will be praying for you.
   — Sandy H.

April 7, 2003
I agree with the others. Talk to this PCP and tell him your mind is made up. You have done all the diets and doubt you will lose anything other than another year of your life. Have you checked your insurance to make sure surgery is covered? Do you need a referral from your primary care doctor? If not. ask him for his support in your decision. After all, you are ultimately in charge of your own health and need to do what you feel is best.
   — koogy

April 8, 2003
You have to remember that the PCP works for you (you pay him right?) I would remind him that you are partners in your care. I would also ask him how dieting could possibly help you. From all the years that you have already dieted, your metaboloism must be pretty well shot. Tell him he is either with you and supportive or he isn;t in which case you will find another PCP. Good luck! Best,
   — Louise C.

April 8, 2003
I'd have to wonder why your PCP hasn't already asked you to sign a release to get your records from your previous PCP. That was one of the first things I was asked to do when I changed insurance plans many years ago. Your current PCP should have copies of your previous records, regardless of whether you want to have WLS or not. Having said that, I also have to agree that having him see what your weight has been like in the past should help convince him that you have 'been there, done that'.
   — garw

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