How much should I be able to eat at one time?

I had WLS (RNY) on August 14 2003. Started out at 375 and lost 46 pounds in my first four weeks. I am kinda new to this all. I was on liquids for the first 2 weeks then moved to soft mush like foods. Now that I can eat regular foods my question is what did you all eat and about how much at one sitting? I know I should be asking my surgen these questions but he is in the middle of moving his office and can not see me for another week and a half. So any advice you may have for me would be great.    — Christy M. (posted on September 27, 2003)

September 26, 2003
I tried just about anything after the mushy stage. Different things are tolerated by different people. So try a couple of bites, chew slowly, give your head a chance to tell you when full. I could only eat about 1/2 cup at a time. I'm surprised your dr didn't give you written instructions. Tuna, ff refried beans with a little cheese on top, cottage cheese with a bit of peach, eggs were some of my favorites and I had no trouble with them.
   — lharbison

September 27, 2003
At 4 weeks out I was still on semi solid foods and measured out 1/4 cup or 2 oz. of food at each meal and could only finish it if it were soft like yogurt or cottage cheese. I can still at 8+ months out rarely eat more than 1/2 a cup and usually not even that much.
   — Carol S.

September 27, 2003
I can eat about 2 oz tops at any one time. I am 9 weeks post op now.
   — Beverly S.

September 28, 2003
When I first started solid foods, I could eat only about 2 Tablespoonfuls, depending on the food. When I was about 5-1/2 months out, suddenly I found I could eat about 1/2 cup, or more depending on the food. (I could eat more of foods that chomp down into little pieces, for example canned fruits). Now I'm 8-1/2 months out, and generally can eat 1/3 to 1 cup, depending on the food. For example, if I have a meal of beef jerky and cereal, I can eat 2 ounces of jerky (high in protein) and 3/4 oz. of the cereal.
   — Beth S.

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