I just had surgery 5 days ago and have not lost any weight. What am I doing wrong??

I have been drinking water and sticking to low fat, no sugar food. I am scared to death that I am not going to lose any weight. How long does it take to start losing?    — danancy (posted on November 20, 2005)

November 20, 2005
You're doing nothing wrong....there's usually extra fluid, you're body has gone through something major - just do what you're doing and be patient. Good luck, Jo
   — JoSyrNY

November 20, 2005
First, take a deep breath. :) The above poster is correct; your body has undergone trauma, and is recovering. The first few days after surgery are about healing. Don't worry; the weight loss will come.
   — Jeanie

November 20, 2005
Please don't panic and stay away from the darn scale!! There actually is an advantage to being SMO as most of us could not weigh at home and therefore could not drive ourselves nuts with the scale. I only weighed when I saw the doc. Even once I fit on a normal scale I did not have one in my house until I was over 1 yr PO. I did weigh once or twice a week when I worked out, but knew if I had a scale in my house I'd be way too focused on it. The scale can be your friend or your enemy. You are doing nothing wrong! Your body has just been through hell. Did you weigh yourself when you left the hospital or immediately when you got home? If not, then you do not realize that you have lost weight as 99% chance you left the hospital heavier than you went it. I came home 17 lbs heavier. They push a lot of fluid through to force the kidney's to keep working. Give your body a chance to recover and don't push things too hard, just trying to see some lbs come off. You have healing to do! Good luck and I know you will be successful!
   — zoedogcbr

November 20, 2005
5 days you had surgery am i correct?,,,i gained 20 pounds in the hospital from fluid build up ...dont fret..stick to the program and the weight will come off.. it aint going to come off over night ..the weight you gained didnt come on overnight did it? nope //all in time..
   — JoAnn

November 20, 2005
Nancy, you haven't done anything wrong. Your body has gone through some major trauma and will take time to heal. Of all things not to do right now -- is RUSH. As others have stated, follow your doctor's instructions. They will tell you when they want you to start walking and will let you know when you can move into a more agressivie work out program. For right now, be happy that you have accomplished the surgery and that is out of the way. Look forward to being a new year. Get a picture in your head as to what you now want your body to look like and as the weight start coming off and your body heals and you start working out --- you'll begin to reach that goal. CONGRATULATIONS.
   — the7thdean

November 21, 2005
When I left the hospital five days after my surgery (had to stay a couple extra days cause of pneumonia) I was actually heavier than the day I had surgery. But tommorrow is 3 weeks later and I have lost over 22 pounds... hang in there friend!
   — KimY

November 21, 2005
I agree with all the others. I am 4 years out and I came home heavier than I went in. It takes awhile for the fluid to leave your system and sometimes you will loose inches or weight. My weight now after losing over 150lbs stays within 20lbs but it still fluctuates. I like the posting about the scale. I try not to weigh myself -just at Dr's appt's-,and the more I relaxed and just did my best each day- (my best-no one else's) the pounds came off. I lost all my weight by 8 months out. Just take your time and remember none of us gained the weight overnight. Good luck you will do fine! (You already made it through some of the hardest parts!)
   — ppane35

November 21, 2005
If you just had surgery 5 days ago, you should still be on a clear or full liquid diet only. I had my surgery 5 days ago and all I drink is water,clear broth, sugar free jello and protein drinks and 100% fruit juices. I have not lost any weight, but I have lost inches and I feel like a million bucks. I have not had any problems taking my pills, I haven't been nauseated and the only pains I had after surgery were gas pains and that went away after 3days.
   — TrulyBlessed

November 21, 2005
You are fine. The day after my surgery, I weighed 5 pounds more than the morning of my surgery. Be patient.
   — aferda

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