well i am finally on the losing side by 11 days

have had one hell of a road tho .my surgery was open and my liver had adhered to my stomach from a previous surgery and they couldn't get me stabilized enough to leave recovery until 5 hours after end of surgery now i'm home and can't palate any of the protein drinks can only get about 1/2 can down a day (and yes i've tried them all) and the most water i've been able to get down on a very good day has been about 20oz.had to resort to a milk shake a freind thougfht to bring me and have been able to get small amounts of that down the rest i puke up hope this doesnt last much longer i have staples from my sterum bone down into my bellybutton on top of all else god what have i done. am down 13 lbs donna    — donna m (posted on February 25, 2006)

February 24, 2006
Oh Donna I know how your feeling But It will get better and your mind will change.... STOP drinking the Milk shakes... milk is a No No... so is SUGAR....that is why your Puking .... leave them alone... Those things will mess up everything you have set out to accomplish with this surgery... You dont want to have went through all this pain for Nothing do you?... drink liquid till time to move to the next stage...not sure if you have went to the next stage yet...Try sugar free jello drink it hot not jelled... do sugar free sno cones if that is available to you... Start keeping all this in your profile here at Obisity. write as often as you can ... put this in there if ya want to it will help other in the future...Add a before Photo and start taking one every time you weigh so you can see the changes... I know you think that you made the wrong decision So did I but Im 11 months out and I am living a life of Happiness now... You will to just think positive. Write me anytime you want or need to...God Bless! Your friend Flo
   — Flo

February 24, 2006
Hi Donna, Well It does get better you are drinking a lot more water than I was able to. Everything made me sick at first. You have to think of it like a baby. A new born cant eat everything at first there stomach can not tollerate it. Nor can yours you have to start off slow and build up to the more solid stuff. Protien drinks are still hard for me so I do understand but try if you can. I did not feel human again untill about 6 weeks after my surgery. That is when I was able to start eating more food and drinking water again. Just hang in there it does get better. Leave the milk shakes alone though they will make you sick. Good luck you are doing great. Welcome to the loosing side. Mandy 360/295/?????
   — ree

February 24, 2006
Donna I agree with what the others said. At first I could only take in very little but over time that has increased. My doctor was not worried about the amount of protein I got in at the beginning but he did stress the need for fluids. Have you tried Crystal Light. It was a life saver for me. Good luck and welcome to the losing side. You are doing Great!!! Laural Hw-313 SW-292 CW-201 GW-135
   — Laural D.

February 25, 2006
i guess i didn't make myself clear enough the milk shakes are the only thing that is not coming back on me i got a small one yesterday and still have over half of it left sorry for the confusiondonna
   — donna m

February 25, 2006
Congratulations Donna, I am 12 days out and understand. I have lived on sugar free popsicles. Good luck, I am sure it will get better.
   — hmstanton

February 25, 2006
Hi I has a problem getting my protein in to I found Profect protein beverage. only 2.9 oz and you have 25g protein. the teast is not bad. you can find it at it saved me. Good luck
   — bntfive

February 25, 2006
Have you tried Unjury. I was able to tolerate the vanilla unjury better than any other protein drink. Also, I mix it with skim milk to get in an extra 8 grams of protein. I found that I would be fine as long as I sipped just a little at a time. My pouch didn't want much in it, either. Milk did not make me sick at all, so everyone is different and I was encouraged to drink it by my physician. Also, your tolerance will change day by day. Every day did get better after the third week. Good luck. Have you tried warm tea with a little splenda and is soothing and easy on the tummy, also.
   — LauraA

February 25, 2006
Donna, Hiya... I am 5 yrs Post-op. I just wanted to say a few things that might help. Everyone seems to think that when they come out of surgery they have to get the whole 53g of protein in or the whole 64oz of water... Honey There is nooooooooooo wayyyyyyy your tummy can handle that right away. It is normal to only beable to drink so little. Your tummy just went through Major Trauma it needs time to regulate itself and It Willlll...... Dont worry about getting in the required amounts for the first few months. Its ok. I just have one warning. I know you say you can keep the milkshakes down... Hopefully they are SUGAR free........ Sugar will make you so sick right now... Plussssss It is totally defeatging the purpose of the Bypass..........If you eat sugar now you WILL NOT loose as much as you could if you left it alone. My surgeon told me when I had the bypass... NO sugar Never Ever Again....... Sugar free stuff fine but NO REFINED sugar at allll.. Otherwise hon it is just defeating the purpose you are trying to achieve.... Dont mean to sound preachy but I wouldnt want you to be upset when you dont loose the amount you want too. Sugar will Inhibit your weight loss BIG TIME...... Plus it will make you sick...I was told no more than 3g of reg sugar at one time...... And there is a difference on Nateral sugars that are in milk and fruits an veggies... that is ok to have...Splenda is a GREAT sugar replacement I can not tell a difference... E-mail me and I will give you some more ideas if you would like... [email protected]
   — Jo_Michalko

February 25, 2006
I was the same way on all protein drinks- especially the canned ones-yuk- until I discovered "DESIGNER WHEY" from Vitamin World at the mall. I had tried 7-8 drinks- powdered- and puked all of them. Designer is less sweet and I was able to tolerate the vanilla. Don't try chocolate. You will puke. Several weeks post op- I tried protein bars- I could only keep down Body for Life-crunchy ones. The gooey ones made me puke. It is trial and erro. You will have to slowly try things and see if it will go down. I haven't puked in a couple of weeks- I am 14 months post op- still have to be careful! At first -after 6 weeks--I was able to eat cream of wheat and mixed a little spagetti sauce with it--yum, yum. Also I made soups with baby food and chicken broth. Pea soup was my favorite. Good luck--don't worry- this is when the weight will melt off......................Carolyn
   — Dec16-04

February 26, 2006
Donna, Take the protein drink that you are using and add unflavored whey protein to it. That way you can get more bang for the amount that you do get down. You might try the bottled Isopure. It is a clear protein that has about 40 grams of protein per bottle. It is a koolaide tasting protein that we have started using in the hospital at Rose Medical in Denver. If you are having problems with water, try flavored water or make some Koolaide with Splenda and try that. Another idea is decaf ice tea. Sometimes right out of surgery you have a problem with tastes. You need to get in some fluid or you are going to end up back in the hospital. Water first, protein second. Judy Harris Patient Liaison & Support Leader
   — jk_harris

February 26, 2006
Donna your not doing as bad as you think. First and foremost NO milkshakes! I know that is all that will stay down but trust me that is not the way you want to start this journey. Half a protien shake in a day is okay as is only 20oz. of water. You can't and shouldn't be able to do it all at once. You have to build up to the 65gm of protien and 60-80oz. of water a day. I am assuming you are still on the liquid or soft food part of the diet. My suggestion is to try yogurt. Walmart sells a brand called Blue Bunny. There are two different kinds, get the one called Carb Freedom it has a purple top and is sweetened with Splenda, try to find the protien powder called Any Whey. It is made to mix with other foods, it is completely tastless. Mix one scoop with the yogurt and stir it really well. I like the Vanilla Creme flavor yogurt myself. The addition of the protien powder actually thins the yogurt some so it ends up the consistancy of a shake. It may be that one of the reasons the milk shakes are staying down is the fact that they are frozen, the coolness may help to "tone down" so to speak your new stomach. Try freezing your protien shakes and even the yogurt I suggested and see if that helps. It is so much easier to stay on track if you start on the right road to begin with, this journey very often takes creativity to get you where you want to be, so get creative and find what works for you in the healthiest way possible. Sorry this was so long, hope it can be of some help to you. Dana Gates
   — danagates

February 27, 2006
hey Donna I see you are able to get 20oz. of water down have you tried crystal light then go to GNC and get a product called liquid protien and mix it taste great and will give you protien. I hope all goes well for you. What kind of milkshake did this friend bring you? I couldn't imagine drinking a milkshake at all and I am almost a yr. out. I ate 1/4 self serve cottage cheese per meal for about the first month... If you would like to talk more please don't hesitate to write me . Thanks Cindy
   — NYCindy

February 27, 2006
Congratulations! I , also, could not get the water that I was supposed to have down for about seven months, and I still have trouble! As for the protein drinks, youjust have to do it. I think they taste terrible, too, but you just have to drink it.
   — Novashannon

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