Time Out

I'm sure this has been asked numerous times. However, I always overlooked it because well I just didn't think it would work for me. Now I know I'm in big trouble with my eating and........need help....what and how do I do time out. I have always eaten real food never any protein shakes etc. HELP???? eating sugar all the time and can't seem to wean off of it. gained 10 pounds and in real trouble. thanks everyone, Karen    — Karen Renee (posted on June 18, 2007)

June 17, 2007
Karen, I had lap banding done 12/05 and only lost about 30 lbs, lately I have been craving sugar really bad , I could eat the sugar right out of the sugar bowl. I dont know what is going on with myself. I did the protein shakes and bars and was told by my primary I had too much protien and that is why I was not losing. Now I just eat normal food , but cant stay away from sugar. Maybe it is all stress , I ;ha;ve been under a lot of that lately. If anyone has any answers please help me also. Cindy N.
   — disneycindy

June 18, 2007
Hi! Check out the WLS graduates forum for the exact instructions on how to do the 'Time Out' plan. The general idea though, is one of "back to basics". Nothing but sugar free liquids, broth, and 3 protein shakes a day for two weeks. Hope that helps some! Good luck to you!
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 18, 2007
Hi Karen, I am so glad you wrote and are reaching out for help. The only thing you need to understand is that no matter what you choose to do, that it is a choice, and you have to choose to do it. No one can do it for you. Back to basics is good. Sugar is a hard thing I think for everyone who doesn't have a big problem with dumping. I know I struggle with sugar as well. I have a much bigger sweet tooth than prior to surgery and I don't know why. I compensate by staying busy or exercising and drinking water. I try to stay up on my protein as well. I use a tasteless protein powder from to get most of what I need. I add it to yogurt or oatmeal and that helps. I have kept my weight off for 3 years now, but it is always a struggle to do the right thing. Just know that you can. Losing weight has ALWAYS been about diet and exercise. We now just have a tool to help us. Use that tool, but make the right choices to keep your tool protected and in shape. Take care and best to you. Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

June 18, 2007
i dump but i still eat sugar all the time.i need to get back on track.ive gained like 20-30lbs since gastric bypass in 2002.:>((.i havent been able to exercise for the past 4 months due to a broken all i do is eat and sit eat and sit.
   — deb44m

June 18, 2007
Hi Karen, Just because you fell off the wagon doesn't mean you can get back on. I am almost in the same situation. but I thought if I just had a little sugar ie those 60 cal choc. sticks I could maintain my weight was I wrong!! My doc wants me on the South Beach Diet. I guess it curbs your craving for salt and sugar. I have not tried it yet. He gave me a free copy of Level 1 first two weeks. it seems like a lot of extra food buying and preparing plus it has Veg and Tomotoe juice which I don't care for. I might end up trying it if I continue to gain my weight back. Keep us up date on whatever you end up doing. Natalie
   — rollergirl41

June 18, 2007
"back on Track " is a great program do a web search for Barbara Thompson, she says the first thing you have to do to reverse bad behavior is like driving a car and trying to go backwards, one one is STOP then back it up. With post gastric patients I can testify that eating sugar will cause you problems long term, not only weight regain but hypoglycmia. Where when a bypass patient eats high sugars and carb their blood sugar spikes and then drops dangerously low. DO a web search on low blood sugar and bariatric patients. Sugar is our drug of choice, it is every bit as bad as drugs and alcohol, you have to leave it alone one bite and I am in trouble makes the craving for it a 100 times worse.
   — DonnaB.

June 19, 2007
I'm an emotional eater and have had a minor problem with it lately. I think for me that first bite of sugar will getme everytime. Once an addiicted always an addicted. Does anyone reward themselves for the great job they're doing. I realized this weekend I had to set goals and reward myself when achieving a particular goal. Don't beat yourself up for gaining the ten pounds instead be gentle and compassionate with yourself and change your focus. You did it can do it again. Good luck and Wahoo to you for reaching out to others!
   — spiritedsoul

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