Gall bladder removal

Alot of people get their gall bladder removed with the bariatric surgery. How do you know if you need it removed?? Do they test for it before WLS, or just give you the option??    — nellybelle (posted on January 4, 2008)

January 4, 2008
many have had gall bladder trouble in the past. Surgeons take a look a it when doing bariatric surgery, if it looks diseased its usually removed. Dieting off and on causes gall bladder trouble. often insurance will pay for removal even when its healthy, to hopefully prevent a future surgery
   — bob-haller

January 4, 2008
When I was a kid, I had to have my enlarged, infected tonsils removed. As a matter of routine in those days, they also took out my perfectly sound adenoids. I was too young to even be asked what I wanted, but today I regret that my folks gave permission to my surgeon to do that. My motto is, "If it ain't broke, DON'T FIX IT!" Same thing applies to the gall bladder when doing bariatric surgery. Make sure your surgeon can show proof that YOUR gall bladder needs to be removed and does not take his/her knife to it just because "Something might go bad with it in the future." For chris-sake. Why not just let them go after your appendix and spleen while they're poking around inside you? Something COULD go wrong with those puppies as well before you die. *** There is prescription medication that you can take while you are losing weight by leaps and bounds that will stave off gall stones. The one I took is called URSODIOL (yur-so-DYE-all). My weight loss has now slowed to a snail's pace and I no no longer need this drug. Ask your surgeon and your regular physician (always get a 2nd opinion when it comes to such things medically) about prescribing Ursodiol instead of doing a premptive strike on your gall bladder.
   — [Deactivated Member]

January 4, 2008
I had my gallbladder removed 8 weeks after the c-section birth of my son 12 years ago. I had intense pain in my right side, just under my ribcage. I went to the ER twice, the second time they did an ultrasound and three days later I was in surgery. I would say if you're tolerating your food with no pain in this area, you're ok, but you might want to ask your doctor next time you visit. I don't think there's a test that's going to be done on you unless your presenting with some symptoms of gallbladder disease, like I was.
   — Shirley D.

January 4, 2008
I had to have a lot of pre op testing before I could even be approved for the surgery. One of the tests was for the gall bladder, spleen, kidneys and stomach to make sure there was nothing there that the surgeon should be concerned with. I think it depends a lot on your insurance company and what all pre test your surgeon requires. I started my testing in June and was finalley approved in December. I agree that if its not sick they most likely are not going to want to take it out, but again that would be the surgeon and your decision.
   — iwilllose

January 5, 2008
As part of the pre-op consultation, your bariatric surgeon will ask if you have experienced past problems with the gall bladder. He/she can then order a pre-op ultrasound to determine the condition of the gall bladder. The ultrasound can detect stones and other irregularities.
   — Jerry Ervin

January 5, 2008
Dr. Suh odered an Ultra Sound for that reason. If it shows gall stones they remove it during the WLS surgery.
   — moterman

January 5, 2008
Well I had the lap band procedure after surgery i was still gaining weight so they checked my gallbladder and found out my gallbladder wasn't working so they took it out.
   — 2409w.poplar_rodriguez

January 7, 2008
The surgery center I went through in Des Moines automatically removes the gallblader if you are having RNY. They have had to go in to many times right after the surgery to remove it and had recovery issues so now they do it in one shot.
   — Lost4Ever

January 9, 2008
About 10 to 15% of people that have RNY have Gall Blatter problems so some remove it during the surgery, but it is harder on your recovery and better to see if you really need it out later, if it fails. If there is a problem beforesurgery most Doctors will tell you in advance and remove during surgery. Don't remove it if it is working. It is not that big of a deal to have it done later.
   — William (Bill) wmil

January 9, 2008
If you don't get your gall bladder out at this time, MAKE SURE that you know the symptoms of having gall bladder attacks!!!! I was banded on 2-2-07, was doing great, 100lbs in 4 months then wham, I started having gall bladder attacks, well because I didn't know what was going on, the Dr's and ER staff just assumed that it all had to be because of my band. They never verified that it could be my band, just assumed. Well after 2 months of excruciating pain, nausia, vomiting, etc...numerous trips to the ER, hospitilizations numerous Dr visits, I came home and did a search on Web Md and self diagnosed myself, went back to the er and MADE them do an ultrasound. Sure enough,my gallbladder was full of stones and sludge. They took my gallbladder out w/in 8 hrs. Then they had me stay overnight and did a scope on me the next day, well when they scoped me they didn't take my fill out and when they came back up through the band, they pulled my stomach back through the band. Then they left me in the hospital for 2 more days and then came in and said that they THOUGHT that my band had slipped.( No it hadn't slipped they pulled it through, thus basically turning my stomach inside out.) Well they refused to treat me any farther and kicked me out of the hospital and told me that I had to go back to my surgeon and have him fix it. We couldn't fix it and now I have no band and have gained back 70 of the 130 lbs that I had lost. I don't want this to happen to anyone else, so please know they symptoms of gall bladder attacks. Most doctors when you tell them that you are a bariatric patient, they want to blame every little sniffle etc on your surgery. It gives them a good excuse to do as little as possible and have a scapegoat if things go wrong, or if they are wrong. Best of luck, and remember, get educated!!!!!
   — mccabesmom

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