Is 56 years old to old ?

I have MS and would be able to walk easier if I could lose weight. I need to lose approximately 130 pounds and I would be a great size. I would be able to breath better and I would not be close to diabetes.    — SUZ010 (posted on February 22, 2009)

February 22, 2009
I was 59 when I had my RNY! I am very, very happy that I had it when I did! Best of luck, Rena RNY 4/30/08 now 112lbs, lost 115lbs forever!
   — RenaMansi

February 22, 2009
You are never too old to take control of your health! I'm in my 40s and have been seriously overweight all of my life. I had ryn last July and am down 156 pounds with more to go. Just think how much healthier the rest of your life can be! Good luck and God Bless You!
   — dnoreenh

February 22, 2009
You are never too old to be healthy! Teru
   — NurseTC

February 22, 2009
Never to old to live a happy & healthy life. God Bless and best of luck to you.
   — [Deactivated Member]

February 22, 2009
I was 56 last June when I had my surgury..I couldn't be happier..123.lbs problems at all
   — sadie7577

February 22, 2009
Had RNY in Nov.08 at 58 years old and in 3.5 months am down 65 pounds and still 95 to go.. good luck. Sheri
   — sheri139

February 22, 2009
I am 67 yrs and am having RNY on March 11th. I am sorry I waited so long, but am looking forward to my golden years with a lot less of me.
   — troggdog73

February 22, 2009
I am 60 yrs.old & I'm really looking forward in renewing my life with the Gastric ByPass. Your never too old for getting fit & in shape & especially healthy. Best wishes with your new beginning.
   — Carolyn Hutson

February 22, 2009
I will be 56 on May 28th, and I am having my lap RNY a week from tomorrow. I suffer from severe arthritis in both knees, and in my lower spine, and severe spinal stenosis, which makes it VERY painful to walk. I am hoping that the subsequent weight loss will remove a lot of that pressure, and that I can be relatively pain-free.
   — Erica Alikchihoo

February 22, 2009
Heck No. I am 56 and just had my RNY on 11/21/08. I also have MS and did this for the same walk easier and hopefully get healthier. I also have about the same amount of # I want to lose, so we're sisters ... more ways than one. Don't let your youth get in your have a lot of time left and lots to give to others. Let me know if there's anything I can help you with...we'll need to stick together, having MS is tough enough but when we add these types of 'extra' stress's to our body we really need the support of others who share the same experiences. Go for it...I'm glad I did, I'm now down 75# from about a month before my surgery when the Dr started me on the pre-surgery protacol to now 3 months out. My legs are already beginning to like me more...grin. They don't hurt as bad at night when I go to bed and I can even walk further without my walker. I'm just itching for spring to get here so I can really start a walking program. FYI: My Neuro and Internist both were happy and encouraged me to go for the surgery.
   — angelvh2

February 23, 2009
Hi Susan - I don't think there is any age limit to wanting to feel great and live life to it's fullest. I was 63 when I had the RNY done last August 18th, 2008 and I could not be happier. I have lost 101 lbs in a 6 month period, have some extra skin, of course, with knowing I will not be able to afford the skin removal, but feel great! I can breathe while walking (imagine that), I can do my housework without sitting down every 10 minutes for a breath, my internal thermostat has cooled down to a bare minimum of feeling hot and I can play with the grandkids and great granddaughter, I am being weaned off my one and only medication left (blood pressure pills - all others have been discontinued - even for my asthma) and it is so great to wake in the morning and easily get out of bed. How much better can it be? I went from a size 24 to a 12-14 and I still have 49 lbs to lose. Now, that's real incentive! Do what is best for you! Abide by your doctor's rules. The eating program is a huge adjustment but it works. Would I like to have a chocolate chip cookie - Yes! Will I do it - No! Down the road I know I can have a bite but I am always going to abide by the rules so I can keep looking better, feeling better and having a great value to my life. I am now retired and looking forward to doing all of the crafting I like to do, keeping my house much cleaner than I could do before and still have time to spend on making others happy! I AM LOVING LIFE! Good luck to you and remember - be rule abiding, feel great, live a life more worthwhile and enjoy every minute of every day! If you need a friend, I am here - Kathy Starling
   — KathyStarling

February 23, 2009
The surgeon that will being my surgery has an age limit of 65. So you make it with time to spare. Good luck in your travels. You're smart for doing this now
   — Kathleen W.

February 23, 2009
I was 57 when I had VSG surgery. I've lost 140# since June 8th, 2008, with out any problems. It's best to ask your surgeon, If he's not willing to operate on you, check out other bariatric surgeons in your area., as they may have different policy's.
   — KathieV

February 23, 2009
My mom was 63 when she had her RNY 2 years ago, and my aunt was somewhere around 60 when she had her lab band last year. They've both been happy w/ the results. Best wishes!
   — fowlerloriann

February 23, 2009
I am a young 62 yr old who just had the lap band surgery on 2/17/09. I am so glad that I did it and look forward to being healthier. I have a few medical problems and I am looking forward to having to take less medication. I would recommend to everyone over the age of 50 to go for it because what do you have to lose except weight.
   — shortnoni

February 24, 2009
I was 65 yrs of age when I had my surgery. I am now almost 67 and am so glad I did. I feel great. Mamash
   — Mamash

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