sorry it is hyperparathyroidism

Has anyone had the bypass with hyperparathyroidism?    — soontobeme (posted on April 3, 2009)

April 3, 2009
hyperparathyroidism affects the levels and distribution of Calcium. Problems with Calcium levels can cause arrythmias especially in surgery that can be life threatening. Talk with your surgeon about consult with an endocrinologist for control of your condition so that they can then proceed with your surgery. It may be safer to delay your surgery until it is safe as possible but it should still be doable. Good luck with everything. Kevin
   — hapkidodoc

April 4, 2009
Not before surgery but after...and it was determined that my calcium was fine, my Vit D was 40, which according to my docs lab ranges, it was a low but normal range...Obviously 40 is too low for me personally (that's why tests have a scale of normal ranges from low to high, but normal. Also according to recent studies the ranges need to be much higher but many labs and docs offices have not updated these newer ranges...YET! ...My magnesium (another calcium related electrolyte) was completely deficient...After supplementing Vit D on 50,000 ius of dry D (D3)my Vit D and extra magnesium citrate daily, my PTH Intact went back to mid range normal. ANY of the calcium related vitamins being low can make your glands produce the Parathyroid Hormone...Or it can be more serious where there is a tumor on the gland itself...For me, It was just a matter of getting my Vit D and magnesium back in balance with my calcium....and that took 6 months to do! I have since cut back to 5000 ius Vit D and still have to take 100% of magnesium in supplements daily as well as calcium citrate every day!...Most of America is vit D deficient! And so many have no idea til they start losing teeth and breaking bones...Hopefully you will have a full set of vitamin labs so you can begin supplementation now...After GB, your ability to absorb Vit D and calcium will be even you will probably need to take extra precaution and get vitamin labs more often than yearly. Good luck and I hope it's just a matter of getting your vitamins in balance...
   — .Anita R.

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