I am 62,and nervous about surgery.

At 62 I wonder how my body will respond to surgery and recovery.    — kindanervous (posted on April 4, 2009)

April 4, 2009
Hi Marilyn...I'm 50 and had open RNY this past Nov. and I'm doing complications at all. My friend and co-worker is 62 and will be one year out on the 17th of this month. She's doing great !! She's lost (almost) 100 lbs. and many clothing sizes...she's now wearing a size 8 and sometimes a size 6 jeans !! She looks great and says she feels great, too !! I think how your body responds to the surgery & recovery is how well you follow your surgeons instructions...listen to him and do everything as he says and I'm sure you're gonna do just fine !! :-)) The being nervous part is completely "normal"...I think we've ALL been there ;-)) I wish you all the very best ~ Take Care !!
   — debz_58

April 4, 2009
I was 65 in February and had the sleeve on 2-13-09 and have done great just follow your Dr.'s orders. joejoe
   — joejoe2

April 4, 2009
I had my RNY at age 59, almost 60. I did well. I lost over 150 pounds in 2 years, 100 of it in the first 7 months. You'll likely have some saggy skin, and even much younger people have this same issue. Just follow your surgeon's directions, and you should do fine. Only issue I had was I ended up needing a pacemaker, but I'd have a life history of low bp to begin with. DAVE
   — Dave Chambers

April 5, 2009
Well, friend, I'm 62 also and doing great! I had lap band surgery 8/08 and am down about 50 pounds with another 50 to goal. I have followed my doc's orders, changed my life-long bad relationship with food, exercise daily and tell everyone I know that this was the best decision I've ever made! Only problem, 7-year-old grandson doesn't like that I don't have that nice, soft lap anymore! Well, at least I'll be around longer, hopefully, to see him grow up! Best of luck.
   — wildj

April 5, 2009
I was 63 when I had Lap Band surgery. I didn't have any complications from the surgery. I am one of the odd ones that it took a lot of saline in my band to make me feel full. I am currently at 9cc in a 10cc band. I may still need another 1/4 in May. I am almost there but not quite. Good luck and just follow the diet and you will heal just fine. I have more energy and I can fit into clothes that I almost gave away because they were too small for me. I am now in them with room to spare. Susan
   — susangielda06

April 5, 2009
Dear Ms : Don't beafaraid I am 68 Years old and I just had Lap=Band Surgery I was scared to at first I had My surgery on March 25 th and that also was the day I was confrimed back in 1956 . I came out a okay and haven't had no pain after in fact I was able to get up that same night to go to the bathroom if you beleave in Jesus He will take care of I sure He took care of Me and I am fine. I just wish they had it . When i was abit youger but none the Less I had It done.
   — Ruth Rowe

April 5, 2009
I did great at 74.
   — stanwalker

April 5, 2009
Thanks for all the answers! I felt like the "old" lady around all the much younger wls people. I am 53, considering a RNY (wanted a lap band but doctor thinks I would do better with the RNY) because of a list of comobilities. I am so afraid of having such major surgery. I don't know what I should do.
   — karreen

April 6, 2009
Hi I am 61 and high risk I was banded on3-30-2009 am doing just fine.Just follow your Drs orders and the diet you'll be fine..good luck
   — barbara825

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