
Thank all of you for your response. I have been having serve pain in my stomach to go thru my back. I have had CT Ultrasounds, u name it type testing done. I just had the Ultra sound done on Monday 27, waiting for the result, but lots of nauseau, sick stomach etc. not a good feeling. I had WLS bypass last april 08. It is true most people who has had WLS have to end up having their gallbladder removed? Again, thank you for your support. It is greatly appreciate.    — zydeko47 (posted on July 28, 2009)

July 28, 2009
yes it is true. Anytime you lose weight quickly you have the chance of developing gallstones. My mom was on a diet and lost about 50 pound and got gallstones because she lost alot of weight quickly. and your symptoms sound like ones i had when I had gallstones but mine was due to having a child not losing weight lol.
   — AlishaNW1989

July 28, 2009
It really does sound like your gallbladder. However, I don't believe it's true that most people who have bypass surgery have to have their gallbladders out at a later time. My doctor prescribes Actigall a few months after surgery. It prevents gallstones from forming.
   — agwc

July 28, 2009
I had mine out in month 7. But I didn't have nausia, just PAIN! Good luck.
   — lesleigh07

July 31, 2009

   — Angela Snow

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