when to return to work

I am looking at having bypass surgery, still doing meetings and such, no date yet. I nanny for a very well behaved 5 year old in the same town I live in. No lifting or running around involved. Is it unrealaistic to think that if all goes well I could start back in 2 weeks? he also goes to school for about 3 hours in the afternoon so I would have a "rest time" as well if I needed/wanted it.    — need2dothis (posted on October 30, 2009)

October 30, 2009
Yes, it is realistic to think 2 weeks is enough to recooperate. I was ready to go back to work in 4 days after my RNY surgery. EveryBODY is different but if you just go ahead and push yourself you can achieve any goal that you desire. But please rest when opportunity presents itself. Good luck!
   — tracibs1

October 30, 2009
You should be more than ready after 2 weeks. I think I was so bored at home after the first week I wanted to go back. But I stayed out a total of 2 weeks. I was a little tired but not to bad. I have a desk job, so it worked out fine. This was for the lap RNY. If all goes well and you don't need an "Open RNY", you should be able to go back in 2 weeks. But in the time you are home, take your pain meds on schedule and don't wait for the pain to come before taking them. It takes longer for the pain to go away, and you might feel like you need longer due to pain, but that just feels like you did about 5,000 sit ups.
   — Kristy

October 30, 2009
I'm 3 days out, sore & a bit bored. I do computer design so I just sit, but as long as you don't have to lift I would think it should be ok. I'm planning on sneaking in to work for a few hours the end of next week. Also, my hospital stay was 2 nights, some require more. Good Luck!
   — Rachel P.

October 30, 2009
I waited, I went back in 3 weeks, I have a very stressful job and I wanted to make sure I was feeling well. I am glad I waited, I was still tired.
   — FSUMom

October 31, 2009
Sounds like you will be good -- just be really careful with the lifting thing.... and rest when you can for a week or so while hes in school and you should be just fine !
   — DarcieLeighAZ

October 31, 2009
I had my surgery on Monday morning, went home on Wednesday morning, and would have returned to work the next Monday, except that I still had the JP drain, and had developed a gross infection in the incision. It kept draining and going through the bandages, and I'd have to change my blouses or shirts, so I stayed out until they removed the drain the next Wednesday. I returned to work on Thursday, 11 days after surgery. I felt great! Not tired, full of energy.
   — Erica Alikchihoo

November 3, 2009
2 weeks should be fine. just remember NO lifting for like 2 months after surgery. I am at a desk all day - so I could of went back after a few days - but I had the time so I took the two weeks off. Glad I did. I was glad to go back to work - I was starting to get bored. Good luck.
   — jammerz

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