I am 3 weeks post op I dont know whats going on I was on pureed food but I cant do

pureed food it is really getting to me so I get my food and chew chew chew I eat cottage cheese eggs yogurt sugar free pudding sugar free popsicles and I stop eatting after a few bites but I think I stretch my belly is that normal to feel that way and they say you will loose 30 pounds in your first month I have only lost 16 in 3 weeks is this normal how would I know if I stretched my stomach and why am I not loosing the weight like they said I would ?    — Tanya G. (posted on May 19, 2011)

May 19, 2011
which surgery did you have?
   — Lisaizme

May 19, 2011
I followed what the DR told me to do to the tee, I ate pureed foods until I was told to, plus I followed his food plan religiously. Your pouch has to be healed, the Drs know what they are talking about. I relied on my protein shakes. Do you exercise, I walked in my grocery store the next day I came home from the hospital. It is important to exercise. This is a tough journey, but it is so well worth it. My first year was roughhhhhhhhhhhh. I am going on my second year and I still do have my days.
   — FSUMom

May 19, 2011
Plus, when folks that never had this surgery says, oh you had that surgery, you took the easy way out, I have to laugh at them and then I cuss at them under my breath! :-)
   — FSUMom

May 19, 2011
Assuming you had RNY it sounds like you are doing the right things. I doubt you are stretching your stomach if that is what you're eating. What you're feeling may simply your new stomach being full. You do need to exercise (for me, the toughest part). For FSU: the people making comments about your surgery are probably the same ones who made comments about why you were heavy. Don't waste your time dwelling on the issue. There are more people who are supportive of what you're doing - dwell on them!
   — Muggs

May 19, 2011
hi good morning, Iam the same way lose 25 in first month hate protein. Which by the way they say if your not getting enough youll slow way down. Keep in touch it does get easier as days go bye.
   — smileskg130

May 22, 2011
Hi there welcome to the looser side ..I had mine in 07 it does get easier ..just do what your doing and no u didnt stretch ur stomache .its still swollen and it will take time ..also dont look at the scales I lost mine very slow and thats a good thing ,,to this day I dont have a scale ..its fun when all of a sudden your cloths start getting bigger then u have to go get a smaller size ..good luck ..Kaye If you need to talk look me up on yahoo angelscentt ..
   — angelscent

June 4, 2011
Are you doing Protein Shakes?? If So stop!!! Never touch another one for starters! Protein shakes was invented for Body Builders to Bulk up faster. With this surgery everyone got on the band wagon. Drink Protein! But like I said you will Bulk up and this is the reason so many have gained most if not all there weight back!! I am almost 8 years out. I still weigh 130 LBS. I drank one shake. No more! My surgeon told me to eat because if you don't eat real food the surgery will not work. I know everyone is worried about getting their 45 grams of protein a day. But forget that for now. For you to get the weight off you need to eat every 3 hours. Something small. A piece cheese, a piece fruit, 1/2 sandwich, drink lots water. Nothing but water or tea. No Sodas !! Sodas stretch your stomach! Just eat. Whatever you can tolerate for the first year! Once your weight is off then worry about getting more protein from food. Never from shakes! I'm sorry but I have seen this over and over and was told I would regain. But I have always eaten whatever I can tolerate every 3 hrs or so and a nice dinner. But small, small portions that add up to a cup of food per meal. Eat Girl!! Good luck. Just my opinion!! It works for me!
   — Kimberly Ten Kate

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