I am 4 mths post-op and down 83 pounds WOW!!!!

I walk every night for 1 hour and I am going to start a gym in September when kids are back in school. But lately I have been craving CHOCOLATE !!!! Is this normal ??    — YVETTE121 (posted on August 27, 2007)

August 27, 2007
You're a woman aren't you? lol just kidding! Congrats on the weight loss...sounds like you are doing wonderful! Can't help w/a scientific answer...
   — iamabeachgirl

August 27, 2007
Congrats!!!!! that's wonderful and motivatiing to me..I'm guessing you had the rny bypass and not the lapband with that much weight loss
   — bchicks42

August 27, 2007
GREAT JOB. Way to go on the weight loss AND the exercising. Yes, it's totally normal to still have cravings. For the longest time, I wanted cake. I allowed myself a low-fat piece of cake (small) and it stopped the craving. To quell your craving, have you considered a piece of sugar-free "chocolate?" Or, enjoy a chocolate protein shake. Keep up the good work.
   — mosie555

August 27, 2007
The further out you get, you will find that your cravings will start to come back. When your newly out from surgery you are pretty much caught up in the moment as far as being super motivated, sticking to the diet, exercising,etc... but there will come a time when you get tired of you get that burger craving,chocolate,salty,etc... I am currently 16 mos post and crave gummy bears all the time; unfortunetly for me i do not dump on sugary foods so i have to be careful. I personally only crave chocolate around that time of the month and keep a small minis bag of chocolate in. @ 4 mos. post i would'nt advise you try it yet though, you might get sick (unless you think the feeling of being sick will help your cravings subside)
   — tiffany E.

August 27, 2007
I enjoy a cup of homemade sugar free hot chocolate. Non fat powdered milk, (8 grams of protein in 1/3 cup) a bit of cocoa powder and splenda......yumo. Also the no sugar added fudgecicles are delicious and have some protien and calcium. Just remember, so hard to do......all in moderation.
   — Lori-D

August 27, 2007
Have you tried sugar free, fat free chocolate or fudge pudding? I find they are both good substitutes for chocolate.
   — cherub13

August 27, 2007
I purchase the Viactive chewable vitamins -- that helps a bit. That is FANTASTIC -- YOU GO WITH YOUR BAD SELF.
   — the7thdean

August 27, 2007
Thankyou all for your support, yes I take sugarfree pudding and popcycles and viactiv and been doing good so far! I will stay away from it for now !! But it's that time of month when I want real chocolate!
   — YVETTE121

August 27, 2007
I crave chocolate, but I found sugar free chocolate works forme. Congrats on the weight loss. I'm 2 1/2 months out and down 44.5 lbs. I wish it would come off faster. You inspire me.
   — BrownLC

August 27, 2007
Yes, the surgery helps with a lot of things, but unfortunately, it wasn't BRAIN surgery, so those cravings will still be there and some of our old habits will try to return as well, just like when we were on "diets" in the past. However, the surgery gives us some help in not having to give in to all those destructive habits. 'Sounds like you have a great start! Good job!
   — Debra R.

August 27, 2007
I really didn't get a "real" craving for chocolate until I actually started eating it at about a year out. Ofcourse it always looked good but I could resist. Now I want it often (I am pregnant though), and I feel like I CAN'T RESIST. Almost like I am addicted. But I know I did the same thing the last time I was pregnant too. Be careful what you allow yourself to eat, you are doing so good. And the more you start to eat the braver you get and the worse it gets to control the urges. I wish I had never taken the first bite of bad carbs or sugar after surgery! I haven't had a weight gain but I am always afraid I will!!

August 28, 2007
Wow! You are doing excelent with your weight loss. Of course it is normal for a woman to crave chocolate! the surgery does not change that.
   — Novashannon

August 28, 2007
   — mikedanziger

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