CONCERNS about staple failure or leakage

I had RNY on May 5th. My doctor informed me of the possibility of staple failure or leaks of stomach fluids into the abdominal cavity. However, I thought that such risks applied only for the short term, in the days to to weeks after the surgery. From what I've been reading, it appears that these problems can come up anytime. Is this a lifetime risk? Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Does anyone know how quickly the stomach and intestine tissues will heal? Thanks for any advice and information.    — Rohintan_40 (posted on May 26, 2008)

May 26, 2008
The staples are done by a dealing laser these days, and they usually use a butserissing material that blends with the skin and then desolves, so I know there can be leakage for the first few days, but they usually remove the tube before you go home and it is over and forgotten about. years ago, when it was a real staple inside of you there were problems later on ib many cases, but it is unheard on today. Still some surgeons send you home with a drainage tube and don't remove it for weeks. If you have a good sergeon that has done this a 1000 times or more I would not worry. I am confused why he would even bring it up to you. Healing can be slow, and that can cause you to have trouble when you convert to solid food a month later, but leaking, is basically unheard of today. I would ask him to cleariofy his statement further. Maybe you misunderstood. Best of success to you.
   — William (Bill) wmil

May 26, 2008
A leak at the staple line is a rare occurance. With the material that is used in the application of the staples the chance of a leak is minimal. My surgeon explains the risk of it because he has to but he says that at 3 weeks out the staple line is 80% healed and it is unlikly to leak unless you put undue pressure on the line. That is why he has his patients on full liquids for 3 weeks post-op. If you have any concerns please call your surgeon and discuss them with him. It is his job to answer all your questions before during and after sugery. Good luck. Paula
   — Paula K.

May 27, 2008
People pass around horror stories like a bowl of peanuts at a party...It makes me crazy. YES there are horror stories ...staple lines breaking, included. It's so rare...It's just that if that happens it's quite dangerous and that's what makes people talk about it...I know and talk to a LOT of people who have had WLS...I do not know ONE person that this happened to...Not one. Many things are so easy to fix and if something goes wrong, you often know so fast that you are in and out of the doctors office before it becomes a huge problem. It's good to be aware of problems and to know that they do happen...Just take care of yourself and more than likely, you will have a smooth sailing like the majority of us do...Life itself is a giant risk and at any moment ANYTHING could go wrong...Just take care and treat your body well...If something feels terribly wrong DO NOT wait...go see the doc!
   — .Anita R.

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