I have my 6 month check up since Lap RNY....What labwork do I need?

Help!!! I have my 6 month check up this afternoon. I am not sure the PCM knows what tests to do. Where can I find the list of tests to be done and do I have to fast for any of them? Tracy    — heartsablaze (posted on July 31, 2008)

July 31, 2008
I was banded on 4/29/08 and had blood work done two weeks later and at that time they checked my iron, calcium and Vitamin D levels. So that is probably what they will check when you go. These tests were not fasting tests. Good luck!
   — Monte57

July 31, 2008
Kind of late to respond to on this....but I didn't have any blood or lab work done at 6 months. I had some done prior to surgery, then at the 1 month mark, and again at 3 months. I just had my 9 mos. post-op and was told that I'd have blood work done at my 1 YEAR anniversary in October. I do not need to fast either, and I asked my surgeon for the list of blood work needing to be done because it's less expensive for me to have it done at my local clinic, as my insurance, BCBS is having issues with any Fairview/University facility. They are in negotiations apparently....and I get charged a fortune if I have it done just ask your surgeon's clinic for a list of the blood work required for the next time...and ask if you need to fast....but I don't think you have to....unless they're doing cholesterol/or blood sugars. Just what I was told.....not sure if your clinic is different. Good luck......Cheryl
   — Cheryl K.

July 31, 2008
I had blood work done by my PCP as he didn't want me to wait until my 6 month check up with the surgeon. Well let me tell you..the PCP asked for LOTS of blood work and it came to over $600 for just the blood covered it, but I had 2 sheets of what they did testing for. The surgeon's staff said I will have to also have the same testing done at the 6 month appt. They feel at 6 months it is even a little early to tell exactly how your body is functioning after major surgery like the RNY.
   — usfour

July 31, 2008
this is what I just had checked. folate, iron, cbc, cmp, lipids, magnesium, and Hg A 1C if you are a diabetic. The labs are to be repeated at one year.
   — mary_rn

July 31, 2008
I am 3 yrs. post op RNY. I find that every Dr., PCP, surgeon, neurologist, ER staff do not know and understand WLS conditions. I find that I have to educate them as to what needs to be done. My PCP and I now work together as a team for my best treatment - when we are in doubt I call my surgeon and get him involved, or pass on the information to the PCP. When in doubt - call your surgeon.
   — C-There

August 1, 2008
I would contact the your surgeons office and they can fax the order to the lab where your having the tests done. That's what I do, they fax the order down to my family doctor where I have the lab work done and then they fax the results back to the surgeons office. Terri
   — ericson414

August 1, 2008
your surgeon should have given you a script for bloodwork to have -- my surgeons suggest we have: CBC,SMA 10, PT/PTT, LFT, TSH, CA, Iron Profile, Vitamin D Level, PTH, MG, PHOS, ALB, B12, Folate, Cholestrol, Thiamine Level -- and the diagnosis codes for this bloodwork is: Anemia 281.2 and Malnutrition 263.9 -- Good Luck
   — RCassety

August 1, 2008
I would agree with asking your surgeon. I have my 6 month check up Aug 13 for RNY and was told to go to my primary doctor (with a letter describing that I had undergone bariatric surgery and needed the following labwork done at regular intervals) 1 week prior to the appointment with her and have the following: CBC, CMP, Thiamine, Folate, B12 level, Prealbumin, Hgb A1C, Iron Profile including Ferritin and TIBC, Zinc levels and Lipid Profile. Your surgeon is the one you need to look to though as they know your case and what surgery you had. Best, Sherry
   — SLittle1

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