HELP Please answer

I was givem MS Contin which is a time released morphine, my pharmacists said it is not good for gastric bypass patients???? The vicodin is no longer working? Why can't we take time release? My doctor wants to try oxycontin for me instead of the morphine because the morphine made me very sick. I am NOT an addict, I have a shattered disc, they cannot operate and I have degenerative disc disease, plus siatica and I am in pain everyday. Why no time release? I tried norco and that worked sometimes, but i needed to take it every 4 hours. Please help....... why can't we take time release? Or can we? Is oxycontin safe? Does it work better or worse if we cut the pill in half? anyone know?    — tammiherb (posted on September 13, 2008)

September 13, 2008
I would reccomend going to a pain specialist.
   — [Deactivated Member]

September 13, 2008
I DO see a pain manager........ she has been working with me trying to figure out what will help. I tried vicodin 500mg first, then 750mg, then 10mg (norco) now, ms contin morphine and she says to go to oxycontin (this has been for the last 17 months) next.......but the time release? I moved out of the state and connot see my original weight loss doctor. That is why I am here asking questions
   — tammiherb

September 13, 2008
you sound like me, however, as a retired surgeon myself, I maybe have answers that may help you. I have been telling anyone who has these questions, the same thing. We have NO stomach. We have a pouch. A stomach has gastric acids that break down pills etc. Time released caps, as with Any capsule we take should be opened and mixed with crystal light etc ( maybe 1 ounce) shaken, then swallowed. Remember there is a direct line and no gastric juices to help your meds along. Its like drinking water- right?? the vicodin, as with all other pills, for us need to be chopped up into tiny pieces, especially those pills with a hard shell on them. You have to always remember, you have approx 80% malabsorption-that means, 1 pill, and your body uses only about 20 % of it- which means??????? Right- ask someone in pain to cut their pain pill in 5 even pieces and allow them to take only 1 piece, and see how much pain it takes away. As for the oxy- its up to you, but try doing what i suggested above before you take this route. Remember-chop your pills into tiny pieces, try to get everything in elixir form if possible, if not, open the caps and mix with juices etc. This is for life. I wish you didnt have the pain, i know how it feels, but try this and see if it hepls- or email me and i can help you . [email protected] God bless Cindi 3.24.04 - 230#
   — DollyDoodles

September 13, 2008
im an rn. one week post op from rny, im using tylenol cuz im not trading obesity to be slave to pain pills there very dangerous trust me , first hand exp, im a bit uncomfortable but talk to your doc about ultram, good pain relief, non narc i dont know if its used with wls, stay away from oxys at all costs, this country is full of pill addicts, i know i was one of them, best of luck to you
   — meganmaria1

September 13, 2008
What is a "shattered" disc? I know of herniated, prolapsed, protruding and ruptured but I've never heard of a shattered disc. I'd be interested in knowing because it sounds horrible, so horrible they can't operate? Never heard of that. I also know of plenty of people who have gotten rid of their back pain and sciatica using a combination of traction and flexion. You can go to to learn more if you want to get rid of your pain.
   — GaryLGreen

September 13, 2008
That is how my doctor explained it to me as "shattered" to help me understand what has happened to my disc. I do not know if it is exactley the correct term, but he tried to give me a visual of the problem. I do know i have severe degenrative discs (this was pre-exisiting), then I was in a serious car accident and this was the way he described what happened to my disc. Maybe I need to ask.........I have an appointment Tuesday.
   — tammiherb

September 13, 2008
Tammy, I know there are or can be problems because of the time-release. BUT from experience I will say be VERY careful while using MS Contin. MS Contin is different from oxycontin. All drugs do not go through your system the same. They have 1/2 lives etc. and some if your not careful can actually build up in your system, especially for those of us who have extra fat on our bodys. Now I am not a pharmacist, but because I took this drug and ran into problems with it I learned the hard way. My Neuro had me change to this one because the Tylox I was on just wasn't working. Within 4 days of starting I had built up such a level in my blood/body that I started having hallunations. It took a week of no pain pills at all to clean out my system. I don't know how or why someone would ever want to use drugs like this as 'recreational' but they do. It is now one of the most abused, addictive prescription drugs out there and is widely used on the street. Be sure to talk to your doctor about all the possible problems you could face before starting it, then if you decide to use it be very careful. My X has degen.disk disease and had a vertabre he had to have fused and I know it is very painful. He had to use both Tylox, Ultram, and heat therapy to control the pain. Someone told us about Nikkon Magnets and they have one that he started using (it was about 4-5" by 6-8") on the area where his worst paid was. I never saw anyone improve as fast as he did. Now I don't know how or why it worked, but it did for him. He then added their shoe insoles to his shoes. I tried them in my shoes, but my feet got too warm and because I have MS I can't raise my core temp without running into problems, so I had to quit using them and so I don't know if they would have helped me with some of my problems. Good luck. Good luck,
   — angelvh2

September 13, 2008
im adding to my response from last night as i was half asleep and only addressed some of your issues, im sorry if i came across harsh about the pain meds, as an RN in recovery and a recent addition to the WLS family, its a passionate subject for me because I have personal experience as pain pills were a problem for me for 5 years of my life and cost me alot of pain and suffering. I truly feel for your pain, as a nurse ive worked with many back pain pts and its rough, there are many alt therapies avail and i would recommend a pain specialist for you, as for the ex release meds after RNY we cant use them because those drugs are formulated to be released slowly into our systems and after WLS we are unable to do this anymore, but there is hope out there u will find a fit that works for you, just be cautious with narc pain meds ,they are not worth the risk, im doing ok on the tylenol and believe me i want to use the lortab prescribed me but i know the possible outcome. Keep your head up, you will get through this, im 6 days post op today and we are on the way. May God bless you and keep you safe, best of luck to you.
   — meganmaria1

September 13, 2008
I feel for you. I as well have DDD and I have had problems with pain management in the past. I am not familiar with MS Contin, but if you could stray from oxycontin, I would. Oxycontin is extremely addictive and please if you do take it, DO NOT break it or chip it in anyway. When you break, chip or crush oxycontin, in that form, it is basically like taking a dose of heroin. That is one of the major reasons so many people have broken into pharmacies, etc. for this medicine. Just wanted to share that with you. I wish you the best of luck on getting your pain under control. I havent had any pain control yet since I came down with DDD, and have been to many pain specialists who will not give me anything strong enough to take even the slightest bit of pain away.
   — bicngillette

September 13, 2008
I feel for you. I as well have DDD and I have had problems with pain management in the past. I am not familiar with MS Contin, but if you could stray from oxycontin, I would. Oxycontin is extremely addictive and please if you do take it, DO NOT break it or chip it in anyway. When you break, chip or crush oxycontin, in that form, it is basically like taking a dose of heroin. That is one of the major reasons so many people have broken into pharmacies, etc. for this medicine. Just wanted to share that with you. I wish you the best of luck on getting your pain under control. I havent had any pain control yet since I came down with DDD, and have been to many pain specialists who will not give me anything strong enough to take even the slightest bit of pain away.
   — bicngillette

September 13, 2008
Tammy, I know that it is hard to be someone that has to take pain pills for constant pain. So many people automatically think that you are a drug addict! Some of us actually HAVE to take pain pills due to serious medical conditions. I am currently taking percocet and hydro-morph contin. If you are careful and take them as prescribed, there should be no problem at all. Some people just have an addictive personality, if you do not, then just take whatever your doctor gives you as you are supposed to. A shattered disc is when one of your discs has broken into little pieces and is not longer a "disc". I know people that are in this situation as well and it is very painful, so I feel for you. I hope that everything works out for you and you can find out what is best for you.
   — anitak

September 13, 2008
I don't know about all that stuff, but I have full body RSD which is very pain full and I take eltrum er and it works wonder's from a 9 or 10 pain level, it take me to a workable 2 or 3 ask about it and see, Sorry I can't be more help than that. Good Luck and GOD BLESS
   — LBowker

September 13, 2008
As another RN reading these posts, I was wondering if you couldn't use a fentanyl patch. Especially with the absorption problems, it seems it would be a good choice for pain relief. Has anyone else out there used this method of pain relief?
   — janpmck

September 14, 2008
call ur doctor and ask a second opinion from or primary care doc what is wrong with you guys ask your doctors they are the ones with the knives and the degrees
   — anachoi

September 14, 2008
I'd say call your surgeon and ask about patches. That might be a timed-release option.
   — MKPstamps

September 14, 2008
First off, DO NOT EVER cut oxycontin in half!!! It releases the medication faster, and you could have serious problems with it!! That being said, I was on oxy's for 6 months after I had 3 back surgeries (all within a month and a half), and it was pure heaven!! I had little to no pain every day, and I actually ended up losing like 25 pounds while I was on the drug. I would highly recommend oxycontin to anyone that can handle taking them. I can not take percocets or vicodin, but I did very well on the oxycontins, with no side effects except that I wasn't hungry all the time.
   — mommydragon2

September 14, 2008
You should not, under any circumstances, gastric bypass or not, cut, chew, or crush up time release pills, especially narcotics!!!!! The issue with time release meds is that they may not dissolve completely in your pouch so you may not get a full dose....emphasis on "may not" --- they may work just fine for you and the only way to find out is to try. Please talk to your doctor about this. I think I saw that you have moved away and are no longer seeing your WLS surgeon... if you don't have anyone following you (in terms of WLS), then you should call your surgeon and ask. Generally, there are two options for pain meds... one type releases the medication shortly after you take it and you generally have to take it every 4-6 hours. The other type releases medication slowly and is generally taken once or twice a day. Duragesic is a pain medication that bypasses the GI tract entirely. It's a patch that is worn on the skin and changed every 3 hours. Good luck.
   — mrsidknee

September 14, 2008
sustained release doesn't stay in our GI tract long enough to be worthwhile. How about Oxy IR?
   — penneynurse

September 14, 2008
My daughter was taking Imetrix pills (sp) for migraines but they didn't help much. A few months ago she was hospitalized for something else & her doc there said that the pills didn't work b/c she can't absorb them. So he started her on the shots instead. They work great. I said all that to say that maybe your doc can prescribe pain shots for you. I have a friend who has a pain pump implanted. She says it really makes a difference. I hope this helps.
   — scaryreader

September 16, 2008
You cannot take a time released drug all at once ie: crushing, chopping, mixing it in liquid because, the dosage is meant for a 24 hour period or more. You would be taking that large a dose in one sitting and could be an overdose. Very dangerous. I know about the malabsorption, but, I also know about time release.... not meant to be taken all at once. Very dangerous. Be carefull, Dawn Vickers, RN, BLC, CLC
   — DawnVic

September 16, 2008
Thanks to everyone who answered! I truly appreciate it! I saw my doctor today and your answers all helped. She changed my medication and gave me a patch that releases medication, so I no longer have to take any pills! Thanks everyone!
   — tammiherb

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